100 suns : 1945-1962 / Michael Light.
Entrée principale:

Light, Michael.

Titre et auteur:

100 suns : 1945-1962 / Michael Light.


London : Jonathan Cape, 2003.


1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (some color) ; 35 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

"Between July 1945 and November 1962 the United States is known to have conducted 216 atmospheric and underwater nuclear tests. After the Limited Test Ban Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1963, nuclear testing went underground. It became literally invisible - but more frequent: the United States conducted a further 723 underground tests, the last in 1992. 100 Suns documents the era of visible nuclear testing, the atmospheric era, with one hundred photographs drawn by Michael Light from the archives at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the U.S. National Archives in Maryland. It includes previously classified material from the clandestine Lookout Mountain Air Force Station based in Hollywood, whose film directors, cameramen and still photographers were sworn to secrecy." "100 Suns confronts the indescribable by presenting without embellishment the stark evidence of the tests at the moment of detonation. Since the tests were conducted either in Nevada or the Pacific the book is simply divided between the desert and the ocean. Each photograph is presented with the name of the test, its explosive yield in kilotons or megatons, the date and the location. The enormity of the events recorded is contrasted with the understated neutrality of bare data. Interspersed within the sequence of explosions are pictures of the awestruck witnesses." "The evidence of these photographs is terrifying in its implication while at the same time profoundly disconcerting as a spectacle. The visual grandeur of such imagery is balanced by the chilling facts provided at the end of the book in the detailed captions, a chronology of the development of nuclear weaponry and an extensive bibliography."--BOOK JACKET.


1400041139 (Alfred A Knopf)


Light, Michael, 1963-
Nuclear weapons Nevada Testing Pictorial works.
Nuclear weapons Islands of the Pacific Testing Pictorial works.
Armes nucléaires Nevada Essais Ouvrages illustrés.
Armes nucléaires Pacifique, Îles du Essais Ouvrages illustrés.
Nuclear weapons Testing
Pacific Ocean Islands of the Pacific


Illustrated works


Localisation: Bibliothèque main
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Commandé


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