Donnelly, Marian C. (Marian Card)
Architecture in Colonial America / Marian C. Donnelly ; Leland M. Roth, editor.
Eugene : University of Oregon Press, ©2003.
v, 202 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
"An introduction to early colonial architecture, from Columbus to the American Revolution, Architecture in Colonial America covers everything from the first European settlers and early housing designs to Swedish and Dutch influences on public buildings and the rise of American Georgian architecture." "Marian C. Donnelly, a scholar known for her pioneering study of seventeenth-century meeting houses, applies a unique approach. She incorporates an extensive history of the European roots of early American architecture, with detailed discussions of town planning, tools and construction methods. Numerous previously unpublished maps, photographs and illustrations complement the text. The result is not only the final work of a great American scholar, but an accessible resource for academics and architecture buffs alike."--Jacket
Architecture, Colonial United States.
Architecture coloniale États-Unis.
Architecture, Colonial
United States
Roth, Leland M., editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 229379
Cote: NA707 .D66 2003
Statut: Disponible
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