Plantation forestry in the tropics : the role, silviculture, and use of planted forests for industrial, social, environmental, and agroforestry purposes / Julian Evans, John W. Turnbull.
Entrée principale:

Evans, Julian, 1946-

Titre et auteur:

Plantation forestry in the tropics : the role, silviculture, and use of planted forests for industrial, social, environmental, and agroforestry purposes / Julian Evans, John W. Turnbull.


3rd ed.


Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.


xiii, 467 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 395-448) and indexes.
The tropics -- Defining a plantation -- Tropical plantation species -- Why plantations? -- Factors favouring plantation development -- Planted forest in tropical countries -- Development of plantation forestry -- Present status of plantations in the tropics -- Plantation organization and structure -- Plantation organization -- Plantation characteristics -- Plantation design -- Plantation life-history -- Plantation monitoring -- Land, social and economic factors, and planning in plantation development -- Land and plantation development -- Resource management domains -- Land capability -- Land-use -- Obtaining land for plantation development, encouraging tree-planting and extension -- Social and economic factors in tree-planting and plantation development -- Factors affecting the scale and rate of planting and plantation development -- Social and cultural effects of plantation development -- The contribution of planted forests to the economies and rural development in the tropics -- Planning the plantation enterprise -- Policy planning at international and national levels -- Planning in large projects -- Planning for small-scale tree-planting -- Plantation silviculture -- What to plant? -- Purpose of the plantation -- Species potentially available -- Matching species with site -- Making the choice -- Seed collection, supply, and storage -- Seed quality -- Quantity of seed needed -- Seed certification, records, and dispatch procedures -- Seed procurement -- Seed storage -- Packaging and transport of seed.
Seed supply and trade problems -- Forst nurseries -- Planning forest nurseries -- Nursery location and design -- Preparation of seed -- Time of sowing -- The container system -- Raising bare-rooted seedlings -- Care, protection, and conditioning of seedlings -- Quality control, dispatch, and transport of plants -- Clonal plantations -- Development of clonal plantations -- Vegetative propagation methods -- Clonal deployment -- Small-scale clonal plantings -- Role of molecular genetics in clonal forestry -- Plantation establishment -- Pre-establishment essentials -- Ground preparation -- Planting -- Special forms of establishment -- Plantation maintenance -- Immediate post-planting problems -- Weed control -- Staking -- Tree shelters -- Singling -- Respacing -- Low pruning -- Nutrition of tree crops -- Nutrient deficiencies -- Use of fertilizers -- Maintaining soil fertility without using mineral fertilizer -- Nutrient toxicity -- Dynamics of stand growth -- Periodicity and pattern in growth of individual trees -- Stand growth is dynamic -- Physiological basis of stand development -- Silvicultural implications -- Selective pruning -- Thinning -- Definition and objectives -- Experience with thinning in the tropics -- Effects of thinning -- Methods of thinning -- Thinning and wood quality -- Thinning decisions -- Thinning practice and control -- High prunning -- Need to prune -- Production of knot-free timber -- Timing and intensity of high pruning -- Economics of pruning -- Pruning practice.
Rotations, regeneration, and coppice -- Rotation length -- First rotation harvesting and preparation for the next rotation: silvicultural considerations -- Natural regeneration -- Plantation species as invasives -- Coppice -- Protection-an introduction -- Inorganic and man-made damage -- Organic damage -- Salvaging a damaged crop -- Protection strategy -- Tree-planting and plantation forestry: in rural development, soil conservation, rehabilitation, environmental considerations, and sustainability -- Tree-planting in rural development and agroforestry -- Woodlots -- Trees with crops -- Trees and livestock -- Trees planted for other purposes -- Protective afforestation -- Urgency of protective afforestation in the tropics -- Protective role of tree cover -- Implementing programmes of protective afforestation -- Management and silviculture in protection planting -- Tree planting for ecosystem rehabilitation and restoration -- Degradation and rehabilitation -- Management strategies -- Species selection -- Site management practices -- Afforestation of inhospitable sites -- What makes sites inhospitable? -- Silvicultural challeng of inhospitable sites -- Ecological factors and sustainability of plantations -- Biodiversity in plantation forestry -- Eucalypt environmental controversy -- Sustainability of plantations -- Site change induced by plantation forestry -- Risk exposed to plantations -- Evidence of productivity change -- Withinrotation yield class/site quality drift -- Intervention to sustain yield.

This new edition presents an up-to-date assessment of current developments in planting trees in tropical regions, whether the principal motivation is economic or social. Issues such as engaging with stakeholders & sustainable management are addressed, & a historical context is provided.


0198529945 (hbk.)
9780198529941 (hbk.)
0198509472 (pbk.)
9780198509479 (pbk.)


Tree farms Tropics.
Forests and forestry Tropics.
Tree crops Tropics.
Tree farms.
Plantations ligneuses Régions tropicales.
Sylviculture Régions tropicales.
Tree crops
Forests and forestry

Vedettes secondaires:

Turnbull, J. W. (John W.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 278037
Cote: BIB 213400
Exemplaire: pbk.
Statut: Disponible


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