Mathland : from flatland to hypersurfaces / Michele Emmer ; foreword by Antonino Saggio ; [translation into English by Stephen Jackson].
Entrée principale:

Emmer, Michele.

Titre et auteur:

Mathland : from flatland to hypersurfaces / Michele Emmer ; foreword by Antonino Saggio ; [translation into English by Stephen Jackson].


Basel : Birkhäuser, 2004.


93 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 19 cm


The IT revolution in architecture

"Further reading" (p. 89-93)
T Leaps into new worlds / Antonino Saggio -- Introduction : space is mathematics -- 1. The beginning : from Euclid to the Death Star -- What is mathematics -- The creation of mathematics -- 2. The new freedom : the infinite space -- The fourth dimension -- Mathematics, cubism and futurism -- The hypercube -- 3. The enigma of mathematics -- Enigma : computers and submarines -- 4. Topology.

"Space "mutates" and is strictly dependent on our scientific concepts. The mutation of these concepts is important because even architecture mutates over time, changing with the various periods and variations in the tools that allow its realization. We can be certain of some of these relationships between the scientific concepts of space and architecture, the relationship between perspective, the architecture of Humanism and the Ptolemaic universe, or that of Cartesian space, of the Mongean projection system and the progressive birth of an architecture that was first a perspective and then more abstract and analytical. But what is happening today? Because if the concept of space has been mutated (and how!) and if the computer technology of this mutation is an agent to at least two or three different powers, then we are in a field of research as rich as it is difficult. We begin to understand the laws and see several possibilities. We are in a "topological" concept of space (we are not interested in the construction of geometric "absolutes" but in systems of families and possible relationships between forms) and are also working to create form in architecture and make spaces actually explorable in more dimensions than just the Cartesian ones."--Jacket


376430149X (pbk.)
9783764301491 (pbk.)


Architecture Mathematics.
Architecture and technology.
Arquitectura Matemáticas.
Arquitectura y tecnología.
Architecture et technologie.
Space (Architecture)
Architektur Mathematik.
Mathematik Architektur.
Architektur Raum.
Raum Architektur.

Vedettes secondaires:

IT revolution in architecture.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 236648
Cote: BIB 166486
Statut: Disponible


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