Hayden, Dolores, author.
A field guide to sprawl / Dolores Hayden ; with aerial photographs by Jim Wark.
First edition.
New York ; London : W.W. Norton & Company, [2004]
128 pages : color illustrations ; 19 x 21 cm
"Can you define edge node, boomburb, tower farm, big box, and parsley round the pig? Sprawl is hard to pin down and the terms change every day. This concise book defines the vocabulary of sprawl from alligator to zoomburb, illustrating fifty-one colorful terms invented by real estate developers and designers to characterize contemporary building patterns. Sixty-nine aerial photographs, each paired with a definition, convey the impact of development and provide verbal and visual vocabulary needed by professionals, public officials, and citizens to critique uncontrolled growth in the American landscape. This "devil's dictionary" of American building accompanies a critique of metropolitan regions organized around unsustainable growth, where sprawling new areas of automobile-oriented construction flourish as older neighborhoods are left to decline."--Jacket.
9780393731989 (pbk.)
0393731987 (pbk.)
Umschulungswerkstätten für Siedler und Auswanderer Bitterfeld
Cities and towns Growth Pictorial works.
Land use Planning Pictorial works.
Urban sprawl United States.
Villes Croissance Ouvrages illustrés.
Utilisation du sol Planification Ouvrages illustrés.
Cities and towns Growth.
Land use Planning.
Suburbaner Raum
Geografische verspreiding.
Développement urbain.
Planification urbaine.
Utilisation du sol.
Verenigde Staten.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Pictorial works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Wark, Jim.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 234075
Cote: NA44.H414 .A35 2004
Statut: Disponible
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