Spain in the age of exploration, 1492-1819 / edited by Chiyo Ishikawa.
Seattle [Wash.] : Seattle Art Museum ; [Lincoln, Neb.] : University of Nebraska Press, ©2004.
240 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (some color) ; 32 cm
"Spain in the age of exploration, 1492-1819 presents arts and science from one of the most ambitious, magnificent, and complex enterprises in history. The book charts the evolution of Spanish attitudes toward knowledge, exploration, and faith during three centuries of Spain's golden age, when a fervor for scientific and geographical knowledge coexisted with the expansion of empire and promotion of Christianity." "Organized chronologically, the volume's essays follow the theme of empire and image from the time of Columbus's first voyage of 1492 to Spain's ceding of some of its North American claims in 1819."--BOOK JACKET.
0803225059 (hardcover)
9780803225053 (hardcover)
Patrimonio Nacional Exhibitions.
Patrimonio Nacional Expositions.
Patrimonio Nacional
Art, Spanish Exhibitions.
Art Spain Exhibitions.
Art espagnol Expositions.
Art Espagne Expositions.
Art, Spanish
Spain Civilization Exhibitions.
Espagne Civilisation Expositions.
Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Ishikawa, Chiyo.
Seattle Art Museum.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 233150
Cote: N7104 .S73 2004
Statut: Disponible
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