Resources of the city : contributions to an environmental history of modern Europe / edited by Dieter Schott, Bill Luckin [and] Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud.
Titre et auteur:

Resources of the city : contributions to an environmental history of modern Europe / edited by Dieter Schott, Bill Luckin [and] Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud.


Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Burlington, VT. : Ashgate, ©2005.


xiv, 285 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.


Historical urban studies

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Resources of the city : towards a European urban environment history / Dieter Schott -- A metabolic approach to the city : nineteenth and twentieth century Paris / Sabine Barles -- Urban horses and changing city-hinterland relationships in the United States / Joel A. Tarr and Clay McShane -- 'Returning to nature' : vacation and life style in the Montréal region / Michèle Dagenais -- Citizens in pursuit of nature : gardens, allotments and private space in European cities, 1850-2000 / Helen Meller -- Sustainable Naples : the disappearance of nature as resource / Gabriella Corona -- The struggle for urban space : Nantes and Clermont-Ferrand, 1830-1930 / Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud -- Sanitate crescamus : water supply, sewage disposal and environmental values in a Victorian suburb / Nicholas Goddard -- Resource management and environmental transformation : water incorporation at the time of industrialization : Milan, 1880-1940 / Simone Neri Serneri -- Constructing urban infrastructure for multiple resource management : sewerage systems in the industrialization of the Rhineland, Germany / Ulrich Koppitz -- Towards the socialist sanitary city : urban water problems in East German new towns, 1945-1970 / Christoph Bernhardt -- Experts and water quality in Paris in 1870 / Lawrence Lestel -- Noise abatement and the search for quiet space in the modern city / Michael Toyka-Seid -- Environmental justice, history and the city : the United States and Britain, 1970-2000 / Bill Luckin -- 'In Stadt und Land' : differences and convergences between urban and local environmentalism in West Germany, 1950-1980 / Jens Ivo Engels -- Path dependence and urban history : is a marriage possible? / Martin V. Melosi.

Topics covered by the essays in this volume include: a metabolic approach to the city; the struggle for urban space; and noise abatement and the search for quiet space in the modern city.

Book review (H-Net)

0754650812 (alk. paper)
9780754650812 (alk. paper)


Urban ecology (Sociology) Europe History.
Human ecology Europe History.
Cities and towns Europe Growth.
Cities and towns Europe History.
Écologie urbaine Europe Histoire.
Villes Europe Croissance.
Villes Europe Histoire.
Cities and towns.
Cities and towns Growth.
Human ecology.
Urban ecology (Sociology)
Stadsgeschiedenis (wetenschap)
Humanekologi historia Europa.
Städer tillväxt historia Europa.
Europe Environmental conditions.
Europe Conditions environnementales.



Vedettes secondaires:

Schott, Dieter.
Luckin, Bill.
Massard-Guilbaud, Geneviève.
Historical urban studies.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 249631
Cote: BIB 179216
Statut: Disponible


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