The heirs of Archimedes : science and the art of war through the Age of Enlightenment / Brett D. Steele and Tamera Dorland, editors.
Titre et auteur:

The heirs of Archimedes : science and the art of war through the Age of Enlightenment / Brett D. Steele and Tamera Dorland, editors.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©2005.


vi, 397 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.


Dibner Institute studies in the history of science and technology

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Facing the new technology : gunpowder defenses in military architecture before the trace Italienne, 1350-1500 / Kelly DeVries -- The French reluctance to adopt firearms technology in the early modern period / Frederic J. Baumgartner -- Gunpowder and the changing military order : the Islamic gunpowder empires, ca. 1450-ca. 1650 / Barton C. Hacker -- Behind the Turkish war machine : gunpowder technology and war industry in the Ottoman Empire, 1450-1700 / Gabor Agoston -- The Mary Rose : a tale of two centuries / Alexzandra Hildred -- Mathematics and empire : the military impulse and the scientific revolution / Lesley B. Cormack -- Harriot and Dee on exploration and mathematics : did scientific imagery make for new scientific practice? / Amir Alexander -- Charting the globe and tracking the heavens : navigation and the sciences in the early modern era / Michael S. Mahoney -- "The art and mystery of making gunpowder" : the English experience in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Brenda J. Buchanan -- Chemistry in the war machine : saltpeter production in eighteenth-century Sweden / Thomas Kaiserfeld -- Chemistry in the arsenal : state regulation and scientific methodology of gunpowder in eighteenth-century England and France / Seymour H. Mauskopf -- Eighteenth-century French fortification theory after Vauban : the case of Montalembert / Janis Langins -- Military "progress" and Newtonian science in the age of enlightenment / Brett D. Steele.

"This collection of essays examines the emergence during the early modern era of mathematicians, chemists, and natural philosophers who along with military engineers, navigators, and artillery officers, followed in the footsteps of Archimedes and synthesized scientific theory and military practice. It is the first collaborative scholarly assessment of these early military-scientific relationships, which have been long neglected by scholars both in the history of science and technology and in military history."--Jacket.

Table of contents

026219516X (alk. paper)
9780262195164 (alk. paper)


Military art and science Europe History.
Science History.
Technology History.
Art et science militaires Europe Histoire.
Sciences Histoire.
Technologie Histoire.
89.87 weapons, arms and armor.
30.30 exact sciences in relation with other scientific and cultural areas.
Military art and science
Militaire technologie.



Vedettes secondaires:

Steele, Brett D.
Dorland, Tamera.
Dibner Institute studies in the history of science and technology.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 265099
Cote: BIB 196519
Statut: Disponible


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