The world of Jan Brandes, 1743-1808 : drawings of a Dutch traveller in Batavia, Ceylon and Southern Africa / editors, Max de Bruijn and Remco Raben ; editorial board, An Duits [and others].
Zwolle : Waanders, ©2004.
543 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm
Brandes, Jan, 1743-1808 Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc.
Brandes, Jan, 1743-1808
Brandes, Jan.
Amsterdam Rijksmuseum.
Discoveries in geography Dutch.
Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Jakarta (Indonesia) In art.
Sri Lanka In art.
Africa, Southern In art.
Jakarta (Indonesia) Discovery and exploration Dutch.
Sri Lanka Discovery and exploration Dutch.
Africa, Southern Discovery and exploration Dutch.
Southern Africa.
Indonesia Jakarta.
Sri Lanka.
Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc.
Bruijn, Max de, 1966-
Raben, R. (Remco)
Duits, An.
Rijksmuseum (Netherlands)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 234091
Cote: NC46.B817 W6 2004
Statut: Disponible
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