Fingerhuth, Carl.
Learning from China : the Tao of the city / Carl Fingerhuth ; [translation into English: Elizabeth Schwaiger].
Basel : Birkhäuser, 2004.
215 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 24 cm
"In writing about cities in the era beyond modernism, Carl Fingerhuth draws on the personal and intensely formative influence of Chinese Taoist philosophy on his work as an architect and town planner." "Using projects and anecdotes from his own professional experience, Carl Fingerhuth carefully outlines a new approach to caring for our towns. As state architect for the Swiss city of Basel, Carl Fingerhuth collaborated with architects Michael Alder, Santiago Calatrava, Roger Diener, Jacques Herzog, and Pierre De Meuron. The results of these collaborations illustrate the direction in which cities might develop as they evolve beyond modernism. With examples from his work in Switzerland, Europe, Africa, and Asia, Carl Fingerhuth makes a powerful case for fundamentally re-evaluating how we care for our cities."--BOOK JACKET.
3764369434 (English edition ; pbk.)
9783764369439 (English edition ; pbk.)
City planning Forecasting.
Architecture Human factors.
City and town life Psychological aspects.
Urbanisme Prévision.
Architecture Facteurs humains.
Vie urbaine Aspect psychologique.
Städtebau Taoismus.
Taoismus Städtebau.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 233640
Cote: NA9053.H76 F5 2004
Statut: Disponible
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