Burgin, Victor.
The remembered film / Victor Burgin.
London : Reaktion, 2004.
128 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm
"Victor Burgin examines a kaleidoscope of film fragments drawn from a variety of media as well as the Internet, memory and fantasy. Among these are sequences of such brevity they might almost be stills. Such 'sequence-images', as Burgin calls them, are neither strictly 'image' nor 'image-sequence' and have not been addressed hitherto either by film or photography theory. He considers these through some typical individual experiences - reflecting on such disparate occurrences as the association in memory of fragments from otherwise unrelated films, of the relation of a recollected film image to an architectural setting, or of feeling 'marked' by an image remembered from a film."--Jacket.
1861892152 (pbk.)
9781861892157 (pbk.)
Motion pictures Psychological aspects.
Recollection (Psychology)
Rappel (Psychologie)
Psychologische aspecten.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 233845
Cote: TR140.B956 B87 2004
Statut: Disponible
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