Livesey, Graham, 1960-
Passages : explorations of the contemporary city / [Graham Livesey].
Calgary, Alberta, Canada : University of Calgary Press, ©2004.
xi, 146 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
"Informed by the work of writers such as Henri Lefebvre, Paul Ricouer and Michel de Certeau, this collection of essays examines from multiple perspectives eight topics related to the contemporary urban domain. The author employs powerful geographic and literary concepts such as space, narrative, and metaphor to interpret the often bewildering complexity of the postmodern city. Recalling key aspects of our shared intellectual heritage, Passages seeks to demystify the structure and historical development of the contemporary city in an accessible, engaging style. Passages is indispensable for those examining the city from either the professional design or cultural studies standpoint."--Jacket
City planning Philosophy.
Urbanisme Philosophie.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 234095
Cote: NA44.L785.A35 2004
Statut: Disponible
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