Spuybroek, Lars.
Nox : machining architecture / Lars Spuybroek.
New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson, 2004.
389 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm
"In the young generation of "digerati" architects, Rotterdam-based Lars Spuybroek and his studio, NOX, are among the few who have completed built projects." "This is the first publication that looks comprehensively at the methods and techniques of Spuybroek's inventive architecture. The book gives the inspirations, insights and methods that allow him to conceive - and build - such innovative work. Many of the illustrations in the book have been specially created, making accessible for the first time Spuybroek's complex strategies and techniques." "This publication is an invaluable resource for every student, professional and critic in search of architecture's future."--Jacket.
0500285195 (paperback)
9780500285190 (paperback)
NOX (Firm)
NOX (Firme)
Nox (Firme d'architecture)
Architectural design Computer simulation.
Virtual reality in architecture.
Architecture Netherlands History 20th century.
Architecture Netherlands History 21st century.
Architectural practice, International.
Architecture Netherlands 20th century.
Architecture Netherlands 21st century.
Design architectural Simulation par ordinateur.
Réalité virtuelle en architecture.
Architecture Pays-Bas 20e siècle.
Architecture Pays-Bas 21e siècle.
Architecture Pratique internationale.
Architecture Pays-Bas Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle.
Projet architectural.
Réalité virtuelle.
Catalogues raisonnés.
NOX (Firm)
Machining architecture
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 233488
Cote: NA44.N9495.2 S68 2004
Statut: Prêt externe
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