Quonset hut : metal living for a modern age / Julie Decker and Chris Chiei, editors.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©2005.
xvii, 165 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 22 cm
An unexpected architectural phenomenon-something like a halved tin can turned on its side-swept across the American landscape after World War II: the Quonset hut. Originally designed during the war for use as makeshift housing for soldiers and their families around the world, the seemingly ubiquitous Quonset hut housed a rapidly expanding nation in the 1940s and 1950s both at work and at play. From recording studios-a Quonset was responsible for the birth of the "Nashville sound"--To the 1948 congressional campaign headquarters of Gerald Ford, to an endless variety of incarnations including bars, movie theaters, classrooms, supermarkets, restaurants, and houses of worship, the Quonset hut was the shape of a nation in need of affordable, easy-to-build shelter. Quonset Hut: Metal Living for a Modern Age is a fascinating look at a surprising architectural sensation and offers a refreshing, revealing, and untold story of a true American icon.
9781568985190 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
1568985193 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
Quonset huts.
Buildings, Prefabricated.
Architectural metal-work.
Temporary housing.
Dwellings Alaska History 20th century.
Huttes Quonset.
Constructions préfabriquées.
Travail des métaux (Architecture)
Constructions provisoires.
Habitations Alaska Histoire 20e siècle.
Logement provisoire.
metalwork (visual works)
Constructions préfabriquées États-Unis Alaska (États-Unis) 1940-1945.
Constructions préfabriquées Alaska (États-Unis) Années 1950.
Construction métallique États-Unis Alaska (États-Unis) Années 1950.
Constructions provisoires États-Unis Alaska (États-Unis) Années 1950.
Architecture Facteurs humains États-Unis Alaska (États-Unis) Années 1950.
Alaska (États-Unis) Constructions.
Decker, Julie.
Chiei, Chris.
Anchorage Museum of History and Art.
Anchorage Museum Association.
Alaska Design Forum.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 241405
Cote: BIB 171307
Statut: Disponible
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