Thinking about urban form : papers on urban morphology, 1932-1998 / M.R.G. Conzen ; edited by Michael P. Conzen.
Entrée principale:

Conzen, M. R. G.

Titre et auteur:

Thinking about urban form : papers on urban morphology, 1932-1998 / M.R.G. Conzen ; edited by Michael P. Conzen.


Oxford ; New York : Peter Lang, ©2004.


vi, 304 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 293-304).
Machine derived contents note: Foreword by J. W. R. Whitehand 1 -- Introduction by Michael P. Conzen 5 -- GEOGRAPHY AS A CONTEXT FOR -- URBAN MORPHOLOGY -- 1. The Purpose and Contents of Geography 15 -- 2. A Needed Re-Orientation in Urban Geography -- (Considering the Nature of Geography) 24 -- 3. A Framework for the Comparative Study of Townscapes, -- in Relation to the Concepts of Region and -- Environmental Complex 34 -- CHANGING CONCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION -- AND CONTENT OF GEOGRAPHICAL -- URBAN MORPHOLOGY -- 4. Urban Morphology: A Geographical Approach 47 -- 5. Morphogenesis and Structure of the Historic -- Townscape in Britain 60 -- 6. Apropos a Sounder Philosophical Basis -- for Urban Morphology 78 -- CASE STUDIES -- 7. The Havel Towns: Townscapes of the Havel Region, -- Exemplified by Rathenow 83 -- 8. Town Plan and Building Types as Systematic Aspects of -- Urban Morphology, Exemplified by Alnwick 101 -- 9. The Urban Morphology of Central Newcastle 108 -- 10. Morphogenesis, Morphological Regions and Secular -- Human Agency in the Historic Townscape, as -- Exemplified by Ludlow (original version) 116 -- MORPHOLOGY AND CONSERVATION: -- AN EARLY STATEMENT -- 11. Whitby's Townscape and its Future. 145 -- A COMPARATIVE AND CROSS- -- CULTURAL INCLINATION -- 12. The Historical Townscape of Nelson, New Zealand 151 -- 13. Townscapes in Southern Asia 160 -- 14. Japanese and English Castle Towns: An Historico- -- Geographical Comparison of their Morphology 168 -- 15. Comparing Japanese and European Medieval Urban -- History: Geographical Reflections on the -- Environmental Context 186 -- 16. The Historical Urbanization Regions of Medieval Europe 197 -- APPENDICES -- A. Glossary of Technical Terms 239 -- B. M. R. G. Conzen's Outline for 'Urban Geography: -- Morphological and Developmental Part' (1972) 262 -- C. M. R. G. Conzen's Notes on 'Urban Morphology: -- Its Nature and Development' (1992-1999) 269 -- D. Chronology of M. R. G. Conzen's Career 284 -- E. Publications by M. R. G. Conzen, 1930-2004 293 -- F. Bio-Bibliography Concerning M. R. G. Conzen, 1981-2004 301.

0820472034 (U.S.)
9780820472034 (U.S.)


Cities and towns Growth.
City planning History.
Urban geography Philosophy.
Urban form.
Villes Croissance.
Urbanisme Histoire.
Géographie urbaine Philosophie.
City planning
Stedelijke ontwikkeling.



Vedettes secondaires:

Conzen, Michael P.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 242796
Cote: BIB 172597
Statut: Disponible


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