Piironen, Esa.
Small houses in Finland / Esa Piironen.
Finland : Rakennustieto, 2004.
128 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
"Small Houses in Finland presents a selection of the best single-family houses in Finland from the last twenty-five years. Each of the 29 houses presented shows a different approach to the design of a small house, from the site placement to the plan layout, facades, massing, and use of materials, all the way to the handling of the construction details. All the houses have been individually designed for single families, and are situated in different environments, from the countryside to the city and from the seashore inland." "The houses in this book have been selected by architect Esa Piironen, who himself has designed a number of small houses. Characteristic of his approach has been a commitment to environmentally friendly and humane architecture."--Jacket
9516827519 (cased)
9789516827516 (cased)
Small houses Finland.
Architecture, Domestic Finland.
Architecture Finland 20th century.
Architecture Finland 21st century.
Architect-designed houses Finland.
Architecture domestique Finlande.
Architecture Finlande 20e siècle.
Architecture Finlande 21e siècle.
Maisons conçues par des architectes Finlande.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture, Domestic
Architect-designed houses
Small houses
Houses Finland 1980-2000.
Architecture (object genre) Finland 1980-2010.
Interior decoration Finland 1980-2010.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 233535
Cote: NA7412.F5 P5 2004
Statut: Disponible
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