Gehry draws / essays by Horst Bredekamp, Rene Daalder, and Mark Rappolt ; commentary by Frank Gehry, Edwin Chan, and Craig Webb ; edited by Mark Rappolt and Robert Violette.
Entrée principale:

Gehry, Frank O., 1929-

Titre et auteur:

Gehry draws / essays by Horst Bredekamp, Rene Daalder, and Mark Rappolt ; commentary by Frank Gehry, Edwin Chan, and Craig Webb ; edited by Mark Rappolt and Robert Violette.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press in association with Violette Editions, 2004.


544 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

Editor's note / Mark Rappolt and Robert Violette -- Frank Gehry and the art of drawing / Horst Bredekamp -- Frank Gehry: foreshadowing the twenty-first century / Rene Daalder -- Detectives, jigsaw puzzles, and DNA / Mark Rappolt -- Project 01 / Winton Guest House, Wayzata, Minnesota -- Project 02 / Gehry residence, Santa Monica, California -- Project 03 / Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, Minnesota -- Project 04 / Nationale-Nederlanden Building, Prague, Czech Republic -- Project 05 / Lewis residence, Lyndhurst, Ohio -- Project 06 / Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain -- Project 07 / Vontz Center for Molecular Studies, University of Cincinnati, Ohio -- Project 08 / Der Neue Zollhof, Düsseldorf, Germany -- Project 09 / Experience music project, Seattle, Washington -- Project 10 / Condé Nast Cafeteria, New York, New York -- Project 11 / DZ Bank Building, Berlin, Germany -- Project 12 / Peter B. Lewis Building, Weatherhead School of Management, Case western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio -- Project 13 / Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York -- Project 14 / Hotel at Marques de Riscal, Elciego, Spain -- Project 15 / Le Clos Jordanne, Lincoln, Ontario, Canada -- Project 16 / Maggie's Centre, Ninewalls NHS Hospital, Dundee, Scotland -- Project 17 / Samsung Museum of Modern Art, Seoul, South Korea -- Project 18 / MARTa Herford, Herford, Germany -- Project 19 / Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, California -- Project 20 / The Ray & Maria Stata Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts -- Project 21 / Corcoran Gallery & School of Art, Washington, D.C. -- Project 22 / The New York Times Headquarters, New York, New York -- Project 23 / Ohr-O'Keefe Museum, Biloxi, Mississippi -- Project 24 / Museum of Tolerance, Jerusalem, Center for Human Dignity, a Project of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Jerusalem, Israel -- Project 25 / Sculptural study -- Project 26 / Astor Place Hotel, New York, New York -- Project 27 / Venice Gateway, Marco Polo Airport, Venice-Tessera, Italy -- Project 28 / Puente de Vida: Panama Museum of Biodiversity, Panama City, Panama -- Project 29 / The Lewis Library, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey -- Project credits.
Includes bibliographical references.

"Gehry has described drawing as his way of "thinking aloud"; Gehry Draws traces that thinking through 29 major projects, providing a privileged view of the creative practice of a master architect. More than 360 drawings (most of which are previously unpublished) and more than 400 additional illustrations chart the evolution of Gehry images from marks on the page to three-dimensional models to completed buildings. Horst Bredekamp's introduction relates Gehry's drawing methods to the concept of "disegno," as practiced by Leonardo and Durer - not only the act of drawing and modeling but also the dynamics of creative thinking." "Gehry himself describes his method for Bredekamp in several explanatory sketches, and Bredekamp applies this to a study of drawings made for specific Gehry commissions. Virtual-reality filmmaker Rene Daalder and writer Mark Rappolt return this discussion to the twenty-first century, looking at, among other things, analog methods in the digital world of contemporary architecture."--Jacket.


0262182416 (hbk.)
9780262182416 (hbk.)
1900828103 (hbk.)
9781900828109 (hbk.)


Gehry, Frank O., 1929-
Gehry, Frank O. 1929-
Gehry, Frank O. <1929->
Gehry, Frank O.
Architectural drawing United States.
Architecture Designs and plans Working drawings.
Architecture Designs and plans.
Architecture Dessins et plans.
Dessins d'exécution.
working drawings.
Architectural drawing.
Dessin d'architecture.
Projet architectural.
United States.


architectural drawings (visual works)
drawings (visual works)
Architectural drawings.
Dessins d'architecture.

Vedettes secondaires:

Rappolt, Mark.
Violette, Robert.
Bredekamp, Horst, 1947-
Daalder, Rene.
Chan, Edwin.
Webb, Craig.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 234049
Cote: NA44.G311.3 G4 2004
Statut: Disponible


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