Antiquity & photography : early views of ancient Mediterranean sites / Claire L. Lyons [and others].
Titre et auteur:

Antiquity & photography : early views of ancient Mediterranean sites / Claire L. Lyons [and others].


Los Angeles : The J. Paul Getty Museum, ©2005.


xii, 226 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 27 x 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 206-218) and index.
Introduction / Andrew Szegedy-Maszak -- The art and science of antiquity in nineteenth-century photography / Claire L. Lyons -- In perfect order : antiquity in the daguerreotypes of Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey / Lindsey S. Stewart -- Portfolio: Maxime du Camp, John B. Greene, Félix Teynard, Gustave Legray, Francis Frith -- Antiquity depicted / John K. Papadopoulos -- An American on the Acropolis: William James Stillman / Andrew Szegedy-Maszak -- Portfolio: Robert Macpherson, Giorgio Sommer, Tommaso Cuccioni, Braun et cie.

"Antiquity & Photography explores the influence of photography on archaeology between 1840 and 1880. This was the period that saw the evolution of archaeology as a professional discipline as well as the rapid growth of the new photographic medium. With illustrations drawn from the collections of the Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute, the essays in this book examine the growth of archaeology as a scientific discipline and its increasing reliance on photographic documentation, and they consider some of the conventions that came to govern the ostensibly objective photographs of antiquities and ancient sites.
Biographical essays explore the careers of two major early photographers, Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey and William James Stillman. in addition, portfolios with works by Maxime Du Camp, John Beasley Greene, Francis Frith, Robert Macpherson, Adolphe Braun and others testify to the strength and consistency of other early photographers who captured the antique worlds around the Mediterranean."--Jacket.


0892368055 (hardcover)
9780892368051 (hardcover)


Photography in archaeology Exhibitions.
Ruins in art Exhibitions.
Photography History 19th century Exhibitions.
Calotype Exhibitions.
Daguerreotype Exhibitions.
Photographie en archéologie Expositions.
Ruines dans l'art Expositions.
Photographie Histoire 19e siècle Expositions.
Calotype Expositions.
Daguerréotype Expositions.
Photography in archaeology.
Ruins in art.


Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Lyons, Claire L., 1955-
J. Paul Getty Museum.

Antiquity and photography


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 247649
Cote: TR775 .A58 2005
Statut: Disponible


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