Petersburg/Petersburg : novel and city, 1900-1921 / edited by Olga Matich.
Titre et auteur:

Petersburg/Petersburg : novel and city, 1900-1921 / edited by Olga Matich.


Madison, Wis. : The University of Wisconsin Press, ©2010.


xi, 352 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part 1. Petersburg, the novel. Backs, suddenlys, and surveillance ; Poetics of disgust : to eat and die in Petersburg ; Bely, Kandinsky, and avant-garde aesthetics / Olga Matich -- Part 2. Petersburg, the city. "The streetcar prattle of life": reading and riding St. Petersburg's trams / Alyson Tapp -- How terrorists learned to map : plotting in Petersburg and Boris Savinkov's Recollections of a terrorist and The pale horse / Alexis Peri and Christine Evans -- The enchanted masquerade : Alexander Blok's The puppet show from the stage to the streets / Cameron Wiggins -- Panoramas from above and street from below : the Petersburg of Vyacheslav Ivanov and Mikhail Kuzmin / Ulla Hakanen -- The button and the barricade : bridges in Paris and Petersburg / Lucas Stratton -- 28 Nevsky Prospect : the sewing machine, the seamstress, and narrative / Olga Matich -- Meat in Russia's modernist imagination / Mieka Erley -- The fluid margins : flâneurs of the Karpovka River / Polina Barskova -- The voices of silence : the death and funeral of Alexander Blok / Victoria Smolkin-Rothrock -- Concluding remarks / Olga Matich -- Postscript. St. Petersburg : new architecture and old mythology / Gregory Kaganov.

Since its founding three hundred years ago, the city of Saint Petersburg has captured the imaginations of the most celebrated Russian writers, whose characters map the city by navigating its streets from the aristocratic center to the gritty outskirts. While Tsar Peter the Great planned the streetscapes of Russia's northern capital as a contrast to the muddy and crooked streets of Moscow, Andrei Bely's novel Petersburg (1916), a cornerstone of Russian modernism and the culmination of the "Petersburg myth" in Russian culture, takes issue with the city's premeditated and supposedly rational character in the early twentieth century.
"Petersburg"/Petersburg studies the book and the city against and through each other. It begins with new readings of the novel--as a detective story inspired by bomb-throwing terrorists, as a representation of the aversive emotion of disgust, and as a painterly avant-garde text--stressing the novel's phantasmagoric and apocalyptic vision of the city. Taking a cue from Petersburg's narrator, the rest of this volume explores the city from vantage points that have not been considered before--from its streetcars and iconic art-nouveau office buildings to the slaughterhouse on the city fringes. From poetry and terrorist memoirs, photographs and artwork, maps and guidebooks of that period, the city emerges as a living organism, a dreamworld in flux, and a junction of modernity and modernism.
"An exemplary instance of collaboration between an established scholar and a group of junior colleagues, ̀Petersburg'/Petersburg offers stimulating literary and cultural studies work in a fresh format with powerful implications for new pedagogies and multimedia scholarship."--Julie A. Buckler, Harvard University, author of Mapping St. Petersburg.
"The book's startling juxtaposition of the factographic and of the theoretical redefines not only the phenomenal presence of Saint Petersburg as city but also the modern city's impact on the creation of new kinds of narrative."--John E. Bowlt, University of Southern California, author of Moscow & St. Petersburg 1900-1920 --Book Jacket.


9780299236045 (pbk.)
0299236048 (pbk.)
9780299236038 (e-book)
029923603X (e-book)


Bely, Andrey, 1880-1934. Peterburg.
Belyj, Andrej 1880-1934 Peterburg
Belyj, Andrej Petersburg.
Belyj, Andrej. Peterburg.
Belyj, Andrej, 1880-1934.
Belyj, Andrej 1880-1934.
Peterburg (Bely, Andrey)
Sankt Petersburg
Russische Literatur Motiv Sankt Petersburg.
Saint Petersburg (Russia) In literature.
Saint Petersburg (Russia) History 20th century.
Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) Histoire 20e siècle.
Russia (Federation) Saint Petersburg.
Sankt Petersburg Motiv Russische Literatur.
Sankt Petersburg Geschichte 20. Jh.
Sankt Petersburg historia 1900-talet.
Sankt Petersburg i litteraturen.



Vedettes secondaires:

Matich, Olga.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 270780
Cote: BIB 203622
Statut: Disponible


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