Moving to Mars : design for the red planet / edited by Justin McGuirk, Andrew Nahum and Eleanor Watson.
London : Design Museum Publishing, 2019.
219 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 25 cm
"Moving to Mars is the first book ever to thoroughly explore the crucial role that design will play in the collective endeavor to travel to and inhabit Mars. A comprehensive overview of both past and current developments in space travel and colonization, it begins with the evolution of the space suit and rocket technology; it then proceeds to explore a wide range of fascinating and never-before-seen projects on Mars--specific habitations, covering everything from space-ready cutlery to clothes, furniture and speculative habitats. Illustrated with color images of rarely seen drawings, concepts and prototypes, plus newly commissioned essays by the designers, artists and scientists who are charting the path forward to Mars, this book literally reveals a whole new future for humankind, fleshing out a vision of an everyday reality on another planet."
1872005462 (pbk.)
9781872005461 (hardcover)
Space colonies Design and construction Exhibitions.
Planets Exploration.
Planets Surfaces.
Space colonies Design and construction.
Art and Design.
Mars (Planet) Colonization Design Exhibitions.
Mars (Planet) Exploration Exhibitions.
Mars (Planet) Surface Exhibitions.
Mars (Planète) Exploration Expositions.
Mars (Planète) Surface Expositions.
Mars (Planet) Colonization.
Mars (Planet) Exploration.
Mars (Planet) Surface.
Mars (Planet)
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
McGuirk, Justin, editor.
Nahum, Andrew, editor.
Watson, Eleanor, editor.
Design Museum (London, England)
Design for the red planet
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307730
Cote: BIB 253212
Statut: Prêt externe
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