Alexander, Rosemary.
The English gardening school : a complete course in garden planning and design / Rosemary Alexander & Anthony du Gard Pasley.
London : Joseph, 1987.
224 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 27 cm
"The English Gardening School is based on the courses held at the English Gardening School on the design, planting and maintenance of gardens. Combining planning with practice, this teaching manual will be invaluable to both amateur and professional gardeners, enabling them to create beautiful gardens with confidence and imagination."--Back cover.
0718127730 (hardcover)
9780718127732 (hardcover)
Gardens Design.
Jardins Architecture.
landscape gardening.
Gardens Planning - Amateurs' manuals
Du Gard Pasley, Anthony.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 29078
Cote: ID:88-B14770
Statut: Disponible
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