Hatherley, Owen.
A guide to the new ruins of Great Britain / Owen Hatherley.
London ; New York : Verso, 2010.
xxxv, 369 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
"Back in 1997, New Labour came to power and much talk of regenerating the inner cities left to rot under successive Conservative governments. Over the next decade, British cities became the laboratories of the new enterprise economy: glowing monuments to finance, property speculation, and the service industry £until the crash." "In A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain, Owen Hatherley sets out to explore the wreckage £ the buildings that epitomized an age of greed and selfish aspiration. From Greenwich to Glasgow, Milton Keynes to Manchester, Hatherley maps the derelict Britain of the 2010's: from riverside apartment complexes, art galleries, and amorphous interactive 'centres', to shopping malls and factory conversion lofts. In doing so, he provides a mordant commentary on the urban environment in which we live, work and consume." "By turns scathing, forensic, and bleakly humorous, A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain is a coruscating autopsy of a get-rich-quick, inspirational politics, a brilliant, architectural 'state we're in'."--Jacket.
9781844676514 (hbk.)
184467651X (hbk.)
Architecture Political aspects Great Britain.
Architecture Great Britain History 21st century.
Architecture Great Britain History 20th century.
Urban renewal Government policy Great Britain.
Architecture Grande-Bretagne Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Rénovation urbaine Politique gouvernementale Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture Aspect politique Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture Political aspects
Politics and government
Urban renewal Government policy
Kommunale Kulturpolitik
Arkitektur politiska aspekter Storbritannien 1900-talet 2000-talet.
Great Britain Politics and government 1997-2007.
Grande-Bretagne Politique et gouvernement 1997-2007.
Great Britain
Storbritannien politik och förvaltning.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 271570
Cote: BIB 204753
Statut: Disponible
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