Building cities : neighbourhood upgrading and urban quality of life / Eduardo Rojas, editor ; [translation from Spanish, Sarah Schineller].
Entrée principale:

Construir ciudades. English.

Titre et auteur:

Building cities : neighbourhood upgrading and urban quality of life / Eduardo Rojas, editor ; [translation from Spanish, Sarah Schineller].


[Washington, D.C.] : Inter-American Development Bank : Cities Alliance ; [Cambridge, Mass.] : David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies : [Distributed by Harvard University Press], ©2010.


xvii, 251 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm

"The contents of this book were discussed in the workshop 'Settlement Upgrading Programmes: Comparative Analysis of Lessons Learned and New Approaches', held in October 2008 in Montevideo, Uruguay"--Acknowledgements.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction -- Chapter 1. Building citizenship for a better quality of life. A fragmented city ; Responses to urban informality ; Scale is key ; A work agenda / Eduardo Rojas and Vicente Fretes Cibils -- Chapter 2. Income and security : prerequisites for citizenship. Building citizenship through neighbourhood upgrading programs / Eduardo Rojas ; Urban upgrading and job creation / Michael Cohen ; An integrated approach to safety, security, and citizens' coexistence / Nathalie Alvarado and Beatriz Abizanda -- Chapter 3. Land : a scarce resource. Affordable urban land and the prevention of informal settlements / Eduardo Rojas ; Gaining ground / Martim Smoka and Adriana de Araujo Larangeira ; Porto Alegre : the roles of the social urbanisers / Cléia Beatriz H. de Oliveira and Denise Bonat Pegoraro ; El Salvador : land subdivision (lotificación) / Verónica Ruiz -- Chapter 4. Preventing new informality. Emerging problems / Eduardo Rojas ; The deterioration of social housing / Eduardo Rojas ; Interventions in precarious urban areas of Uruguay / Jack Couriel ; Quiero mi barrio, Chile / María de la Luz Nieto -- Chapter 5. Neighbourhood upgrading programmes : lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean. Building collective know-how / Eduardo Rojas ; The IDB : 25 years of neighbourhood upgrading / José Brakarz ; Settlement upgrading programme (PROMEBA), Argentina / Patricia Palenque ; Environmental rehabilitation of the Guarapiranga drainage basin programme, São Paulo (Brazil) / Elisabete França ; True neighbourhoods programme, La Paz (Bolivia) / Ramiro Burgos ; Habitat programme, Mexico / María Eugenia González Alcocer -- Chapter 6. Community participation : more than good intentions. Community involvement as a basis for citizenship / Eduardo Rojas ; Community participation and the sustainability of the settlement upgrading process / Sonia Fandiño ; Integrated neighbourhood upgrading programme, Ecuador / Margarita Romo ; The Social and Environmental Programme for the Creeks of Manaus (PROSAMIM), Brazil / Bárbara Araújo dos Santos -- Chapter 7. The foundations of sustainability. The management of scarce resources and the scale of interventions / Eduardo Rojas -- Economic analysis for settlement upgrading programmes / Fernando Cuenin -- Economic analysis in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and Colombia / Fernando Cuenin -- The integrated settlement upgrading programme in Quito / Heisda Dávila and Fernando Cuenin.
Originally published in Spanish under title: Construir ciudades : mejoramiento de barrios y calidad de vida urbana.

9781597821087 (pbk.)
159782108X (pbk.)


Community development, Urban Latin America Congresses.
Neighborhood assistance programs Latin America Congresses.
Urban renewal Latin America Congresses.
Housing Latin America Congresses.
Urbanization Latin America Congresses.
Urban policy Latin America Congresses.
Développement communautaire urbain Amérique latine Congrès.
Programmes d'aide aux quartiers défavorisés Amérique latine Congrès.
Rénovation urbaine Amérique latine Congrès.
Urbanisation Amérique latine Congrès.
Politique urbaine Amérique latine Congrès.
Community development, Urban
Neighborhood assistance programs
Urban policy
Urban renewal
Latin America


Conference publications.
Conference papers and proceedings

Vedettes secondaires:

Rojas, Eduardo.
Inter-American Development Bank.
Cities Alliance.
Taller 'Programas de mejoramiento de barrios: análisis comparado de lecciones aprendidas y nuevos enfoques' (2008 : Montevideo)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 270685
Cote: BIB 203474
Statut: Disponible


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