Fast-forward urbanism : rethinking architecture's engagement with the city / Dana Cuff and Roger Sherman, editors.
1st ed.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©2011.
288 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm
In the wake of recent failures in America's urban infrastructure, an emerging group of activist designers are calling on architects to rethink their relationship to the city. For them, the future of the American city lies not in modernism's large-scale master plans or New Urbanism's nostalgic community planning. Instead, they favor working with the realities of urban space, finding hidden opportunities in what already exists in our cities; they eschew monolithic, top-down approaches. Fast-Forward Urbanism presents a mixture of essays, opinions, and design projects by well-known architects and theorists, including Stan Allen, Will Alsop, Lars Lerup, and Keller Easterling. Equal parts theory and practice, their ideas lay the groundwork for the next American metropolis. Fast-Forward Urbanism is a useful tool for designers as well as anyone working in the federal recovery effort, from policymakers to engineers to builders to planners. --Book Jacket.
9781568989778 (alk. paper)
1568989776 (alk. paper)
City planning Social aspects.
City planning Evaluation.
Architects and community.
Architecture and society.
Relations architectes-collectivité.
Architecture et société.
Cuff, Dana, 1953-
Sherman, Roger, 1958-
Rethinking architecture's engagement with the city
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 273378
Cote: BIB 206916
Statut: Disponible
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