Olsberg, R. Nicholas.
Arthur Erickson : critical works / Nicholas Olsberg and Ricardo L. Castro ; with essays by Edward Dimendberg, Laurent Stalder and Georges Teyssot.
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre : Vancouver Art Gallery ; Seattle : University of Washington Press, ©2006.
vii, 192 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 x 29 cm
"At long last, here is a book of critical thought that analyzes celebrated architect Arthur Erickson's best work and situates it as a distinctive body of ideas within the mainstream of international architecture in the last half of the twentieth century." "In this book, Nicholas Olsberg draws on Erickson's own discussion of ideas to present a thoughtful and illuminating reassessment of his most important work. Ricardo L. Castro's photography captures essential passages of the works as they have matured into their settings. More than 170 images, including archival photographs, study models, drawings and plans, show how the designs were evolved and their intent conveyed."--Jacket.
0295986204 (hardback ; alk. paper)
9780295986203 (hardback ; alk. paper)
Erickson, Arthur, 1924-2009 Criticism and interpretation.
Erickson, Arthur, 1924-2009 Critique et interprétation.
Erickson, Arthur, 1924-2009
Canadian Architects.
Architecture (object genre) 1950-2010.
Architecture (object genre) Canada Canada, Western 1950-2000.
Architecture (object genre) Canada British Columbia Vancouver 1950-2000.
Quotations (texts)
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Erickson, Arthur, 1924-2009.
Castro, Ricardo L.
Dimendberg, Edward.
Stalder, Laurent.
Teyssot, Georges, 1946-
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 246026
Cote: NA44.E68.9 O4 2006
Exemplaire: c. 1
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 248414
Cote: NA44.E68.9 O4 2006
Exemplaire: c. 2
Statut: Disponible
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