HK lab 2 : an exploration of Hong Kong interior spaces = 香港實險室二 : 香港內部空間的探險 / Laurent Gutierrez, Valérie Portefaix, Laura Ruggeri (eds.). HK lab 2 : an exploration of Hong Kong interior spaces = Xianggang shi yan shi er : Xianggang nei bu kong jian de tan xian / Laurent Gutierrez, Valérie Portefaix, Laura Ruggeri (eds.).
Hong Kong : Map Book Publishers ; New York : Distributed Art Publishers, 2005.
331 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm
Interior architecture China Hong Kong.
City planning China Hong Kong.
City planning China Hong Kong Pictorial works.
Architecture Chine Hongkong 20e siècle.
Architecture intérieure Chine Hongkong.
Urbanisme Chine Hongkong.
City planning
Interior architecture
Hong Kong (China) Pictorial works.
Hongkong (Chine) Constructions.
China Hong Kong
Illustrated works
Gutierrez, Laurent, editor.
Portefaix, Valérie, editor.
Ruggeri, Laura, editor.
Xianggang shi xian shi er : Xianggang nei bu kong jian de tan xian
HK lab 2 : an exploration of Hong Kong interior spaces = 香港實險室二 : 香港內部空間的探險 / Laurent Gutierrez, Valérie Portefaix, Laura Ruggeri (eds.).
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 236375
Cote: BIB 166211
Statut: Disponible
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