Hutchinson, Peter, 1930-
Thrown rope / Peter Hutchinson ; essays by Carter Ratcliff and Bill Beckley.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©2006.
1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 25 cm
"Although Peter Hutchinson has been working with land art since the 1960s, he has yet to receive his proper due. His work isn't found in galleries and he doesn't practice the kind of sensationalism that is typical of the art world. He is a refreshingly modest artist, and his delicate, fleeting work is extraordinarily beautiful, remarkably intelligent, and endlessly charming. It is our hope that Thrown Rope will place Hutchinson where he belongs: in the canon of modern art alongside Andy Goldsworthy and Robert Smithson. Hutchinson's works are ephemeral and evanescent, produced out in the open, where they are subject to the whims of nature. Much of it is the product of his "thrown rope" method--literally throwing ropes over an expanse of land, then placing lime or planting flowers along the lines determined by the ropes. The result is a snakelike garden or swerving lines of bleached land. Hutchinson has even thrown ropes underwater, planting flowers at the bottom of a lake or stringing oranges or onions beneath the water's surface. Such projects are just a slice of Hutchinson's many conceptual pieces. The photographs within Thrown Rope are all that exists to document Hutchinson's career. Reproduced here along with Hutchinson's own handwritten notes, they provide an inspirational look at one of the most under appreciated artists of our time."--Publisher's website.
1568985614 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9781568985619 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Hutchinson, Peter, 1930- Catalogs.
Hutchinson, Peter, 1930-
Hutchinson, Peter.
Environment (Art) United States Catalogs.
Narrative art United States Catalogs.
Art narratif Catalogues États-Unis.
Environment (Art)
Narrative art.
United States.
catalogs (documents)
Ratcliff, Carter.
Beckley, Bill, 1946-
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 242887
Cote: BIB 172688
Statut: Disponible
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