Bibliophilia scholastica floreat : fifty years of rare books and special collections at the University of Toronto : exhibition and catalogue / by Richard Landon.
Entrée principale:

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.

Titre et auteur:

Bibliophilia scholastica floreat : fifty years of rare books and special collections at the University of Toronto : exhibition and catalogue / by Richard Landon.


Toronto : Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 2005.


132 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Early manuscripts and printed books -- Shakespeare -- Science and medicine -- The Enlightenment -- Book and manuscript collecting : Amherst and Phillipps -- The Birdsall collection -- Juvenile drama in England (the Toy Theatre) -- The DeLury collection -- Thoreau MacDonald -- The James Lesslie Scrapbook -- Provenance -- A personal miscellany.

Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, Sept. 26-Dec. 21, 2005.


This exhibition, mounted to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, reveals something of the vast range and depth of holdings of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto. Divided into several sections, it features a variety of items from the library's collections of early manuscripts and printed books, Shakespeareana, science and medical texts, Enlightenment materials, juvenile drama artifacts, Anglo-Irish literature, Canadiana, as well as the evocative artistic works of Thoreau MacDonald. In addition, the exhibition highlights the personal art of collecting as well as examples of the fine art of book binding. -- Provided by publisher.


0772760551 (paperback)
9780772760555 (paperback)


Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Exhibitions.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Expositions.
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
Toronto Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.
Rare books Ontario Toronto Bibliography Exhibitions.
Manuscripts Ontario Toronto Exhibitions.
Livres rares Ontario Toronto Livres Expositions.
Manuscrits Ontario Toronto Expositions.
Rare books
Ontario Toronto


Exhibition catalogues.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Landon, Richard.

Fifty years of rare books and special collections at the University of Toronto


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 243549
Cote: BIB 173276
Statut: Disponible


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