Local treasures : geocaching across America / Margot Anne Kelley ; with a foreword by Frank Gohlke.
Entrée principale:

Kelley, Margot Anne.

Titre et auteur:

Local treasures : geocaching across America / Margot Anne Kelley ; with a foreword by Frank Gohlke.


Placitas, N.M. : Center for American Places ; Bristol : University Presses Marketing [distributor], 2006.


xiii, 186 pages : color illustrations ; 21 x 25 cm.


Center books on American places

Includes bibliographical references.

"In 2000, a man in Oregon hid a box of toys in the woods, posted the geographic coordinates on a Web site, and issued a challenge for others to find it. People used their GPS receivers to find his treasure, and a new game was born: geocaching. Today more than a million people worldwide participate in geocaching, hiding stashes of trinkets in challenging and unusual locations - and then inviting others to find them, leave a note, and swap a treasure of their own." "Kelley is the first.
Person to travel throughout the United States to chronicle the many sites and stories of geocaching adventures - from Maine to Hawaii, from the Alamo to the Mason and Dixon Line. The photographs expose a vision of America quite unlike that presented in a traditional guidebook, for geocache sites are often public places with special meanings for the players alone. Accompanying the photographs are Kelley's writings about each cache site; and, in her concluding essay about the world of.
Geocaching communities, she illuminates not only their rare ability to integrate new technologies with the natural world, but also their complex and often ambivalent relationships to the surveillance technologies that sustain the game." "Each striking, full-color photograph exposes a vision of America quite unlike that presented in a traditional guidebook: truly off the beaten path, these are non-idealized landscapes, often places with special meaning for the players alone. Kelley's.
Accompanying writings explore the world of geocaching communities, their rare ability to integrate new technologies with the natural world, and their complex and often ambivalent relationships to the surveillance technologies that sustain the game. In this era when people are increasingly disconnected from the land that surrounds them, geocaching offers an unusual and technologically savvy vision for the future. Kelley's text is a fascinating examination of a new and creative diversion.
Emerging from the intersection of the virtual world with the real."--BOOK JACKET.


1930066368 (hbk.)
9781930066366 (hbk.)


Geocaching (Game)
Géocache (Jeu)

Vedettes secondaires:

Center books on American places.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302000
Cote: BIB 248211
Statut: Disponible


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