Richard Rogers : architecture of the future / Kenneth Powell ; edited by Robert Torday.
Entrée principale:

Powell, Kenneth.

Titre et auteur:

Richard Rogers : architecture of the future / Kenneth Powell ; edited by Robert Torday.


Basel ; Boston, MA : Birkhäuser, ©2006.


520 pages : color illustrations ; 23 x 24 cm

Includes index.
Includes index, pages 514-518.
Domestic -- Workplace -- Public buildings -- Masterplanning -- Transport.

"Over some three decades the Richard Rogers Partnership has attracted critical acclaim and dozens of prestigious international awards and honours. This book looks at the extraordinary range of work from the celebrated schemes of the 1970s and 1980s such as the Centre Pompidou and the iconic Lloyd's of London building, right up to key projects such as Barajas Airport, Madrid, Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5, the Antwerp Law Courts, a new National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff and the transformation of Las Arenas, a historical building in Barcelona, into a dynamic cultural and entertainment complex."
"This volume also looks to the future with projects as diverse as a new cancer care centre in London, commercial office developments at Canary Wharf, London, a new library for the City of Birmingham, a 48-storey office tower at 122 Leadenhall Street in the City of London and a major mixed-use development in Korea." "Richard Rogers is Chief Advisor on Architecture and Urban Design to the Greater London Authority, and a member of the Mayor of Barcelona's Urban Strategies Advisory Council; he was also chairman of the British Government's Urban Task Force. This passion for urban design is reflected in much of the practice's ongoing masterplanning work - with significant projects currently under way in London, Lisbon, Rome and New York."
"How will the Richard Rogers Partnership fare in the 21st century? The practice faces the future with a sure-footed team, building on the innovation and intelligence that continues to characterise an ever-expanding portfolio of work all over the world. From a winery near Valladolid to an acclaimed City Academy in one of London's most impoverished inner-city boroughs, the Richard Rogers Partnership demonstrates time and again an innate ability to respond imaginatively to the requirements of a specific project, always pushing technological boundaries in order to achieve the optimum solution."--Jacket.


3764370491 (alk. paper)


Rogers, Richard George.
Rogers, Richard, 1933-2021
Rogers, Richard 1933-2021
Rogers, Richard George Architektur Bildband.
Rogers, Richard George Architektur Werkverzeichnis.
Richard Rogers Partnership.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern.
Arquitetura moderna Século 20.
Arquitetura moderna Século 21.
Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland.



Vedettes secondaires:

Torday, Robert.
Rogers, Richard George.
Richard Rogers Partnership.

Architecture of the future


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 249910
Cote: BIB 179446
Statut: Disponible


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