Crowds / edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews.
Titre et auteur:

Crowds / edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews.


Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2006.


xx, 439 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 379-426) and index.
Introduction: A book of crowds / Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews -- Abstracts -- Mob porn / Jeffrey T. Schnapp -- 'Turba' : Latin / Alexandra Katherina T. Sofroniew -- Bathing in the multitude / Michael Hardt -- The invention of the masses : the crowd in French culture from the Revolution to the Commune / Stefan Jonsson -- 'Mass' : English (French, German) / Marisa Galvez -- Ceremony / Michel Serres -- Crowd politics : the myth of the 'Populus Romanus' / Joy Connolly -- 'People' : English / Marisa Galvez -- Compactings and loosenings / Susan Buck-Morss -- Intimacy and anonymity, or, How the audience became a crowd / William Egginton -- 'Crowd' : English / Marisa Galvez -- The crowds laughs / T.J. Clark -- Sports crowds / Allen Guttmann -- 'Multitude' : English / Susan Schuyler -- Rolling Stones play free concert at Altamont Speedway, December 6, 1969 / Greil Marcus.
Captive crowds : pilgrims and martyrs / Susanna Elm -- 'Hamon' : Hebrew / Na'ama Rokem -- Beyond the blindfold / Luiz Costa-Lima -- Movies and masses / Anton Kaes -- 'Samuuha' : Sanskrit / Peter Samuels -- Dolores Park, dyke march, June 2002 / Tirza True Latimer -- Mass, pack, and mob : art in the age of the crowd / Christine Poggi -- 'Mob' : English / Maria Su Wang -- Crowd writings / Armando Petrucci -- The return of the blob, or, How sociology decided to stop worrying and love the crowd / John Plotz -- 'Foule, ' 'folla' : French/Italian / John B. Hill -- My summer of solitude / David Humphrey -- From crowd psychology to racial hygiene : the medicalization of reaction and the new Spain / Joan Ramon Resina -- 'Gente' : Spanish / Jeronimo Ernesto Arellano -- Take it / Ann Weinstone -- Crowds, number, and mass in China / Haun Saussy -- 'Zhong' : Chinese / Ka-Fai Yau -- Crowd control / David Theo Goldberg.
Market crowds / Urs Stäheli -- 'Ochlos' : Ancient Greek / Sebastian de Vivo -- Barneys New York : the warehouse / Jessica Burstein -- Wunc / Charles Tilly -- 'Csőd, ' 'tömeg, ' 'csődtömeg' : Hungarian / Dániel Margócsy -- Protest crowds / Tom Seligman -- Far above the madding crowd : the spatial rhetoric of mass representation / Andrew V. Uroskie -- 'Tolpa' : Russian / Dustin Condren -- Crowd experiences / Hayden White -- Far from the crowd : individuation, solitude, and 'society' in the western imagination / Jobst Welge -- 'Vulgus' : Latin / Alexandra Katherina T. Sofroniew -- MLK rally / Richard Rorty -- Agoraphobia : an alphabet / Jessica Burstein -- A singular month of May / Alain Schnapp -- Crowds as tear-jerking opportunities / Luigi Ballerini -- Afterword / N. Katherine Hayles.

"Crowds" explores the key role assumed by human multitudes in modern life by means of a graphically innovative, multi-author volume in which essays, word histories, and personal testimonies are woven together into a multiperspectival and multilayered group portrait. The portrait in question includes analyses of market crowds, crowds in modern art and literature, modern assemblies as compared to their premodern and ancient counterparts, modern sports crowds, human multitudes and mass media such as photography and cinema, crowds as political actors, and the emergence of crowd-centered discourses in social sciences such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Contributors include Stefan Jonsson, Allen Guttmann, Susanna Elm, John Plotz, Christine Poggi, William Egginton, Haun Saussy, Joan Ramon Resina, and Charles Tilly, with testimonies by authors such as Greil Marcus, Richard Rorty, Michel Serres, Alain Schnapp, Michael Hardt, T. J. Clark, and Susan Buck-Morss. The book represents the main output of one of the Stanford Humanities Lab' s prototype " Big Humanities" projects and is supported by an extensive website (http: //crowds.stanford.edu) which includes virtual galleries, video capture of the November 2005 Crowds seminar, and a database of early social science readings on modern crowds.


0804754799 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780804754798 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0804754802 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780804754804 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Collective behavior.
Mass Behavior
Comportement collectif.
Foules Comportement collectif.

Vedettes secondaires:

Schnapp, Jeffrey T. (Jeffrey Thompson), 1954-
Tiews, Matthew.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 275276
Cote: BIB 209361
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible


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