Hannings, Bud.
Forts of the United States : an historical dictionary, 16th through 19th centuries / Bud Hannings.
Jefferson, North Carolina. : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers., [2020]
v, 738 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
"This history of the primary fortifications established during 400 tumultuous years in what would become the United States of America. Under each state's heading, this substantial volume contains alphabetized entries with information regarding each structure's history. Beginning with the American Revolution, each of the American military fortifications, militia forts, settlers' forts and blockhouses is listed and described"--Provided by publisher.
9780786417964 hardcover alkaline paper
078641796X hardcover alkaline paper
9781476683706 paperback
1476683700 paperback
Fortification United States History Dictionaries.
Befestigung USA Geschichte Verzeichnis.
Militärstützpunkt USA Geschichte Verzeichnis.
United States.
USA Befestigung Geschichte Verzeichnis.
USA Militärstützpunkt Geschichte Verzeichnis.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 248808
Cote: UG410 .H36 2006
Statut: Disponible
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