Re views : artists and public space / [edited by Ruth Charity].
Titre et auteur:

Re views : artists and public space / [edited by Ruth Charity].


London : Black Dog Pub., ©2005.


182 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references (page 179).
Found in translation / Louise O'Reilly -- For your pleasure or notes on public art from someone else's memory of a Silver Cloud in Wales / Edward Allington -- Artists' research Simon Read and The Thames Path Residency: -- Art and citizenship / Simon Read -- Walking with water : Simon Read's Thames Path Archive / Stephen Turner -- Reflecting Histories : John Kippin at Greenham Common: -- Cold War Pastoral/SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) / John Kippin -- A visit to Greenham Common : John Kippin's Cold War Pastoral / Ian Walker -- Responding to the landscape : Peter Randall-Page at Newbury Lock: -- Ebb and flow / Peter Randall-Page -- High tide in Newbury / Roger Deakin -- Engaging young people : Louise Short at Riverside Walk: -- Mothshadowmovie / Louise Short -- Moths, mosquitoes and the two Jennys / Richard Layzell -- Connecting with audiences : Peter Freeman in Winchester City Centre: -- Luminous motion / Peter Freeman -- The light of the world / John Gillett -- Sensibility to place : Sasha Ward at The Great Western Hospital: -- The visitor / Sasha Ward -- 30 years on ... / Hugh Adams -- Art and science : Simon Patterson at the Open University: -- "To boldly go ..." / Simon Patterson -- Gort, Klaatu barada nikto : the Glamour of Science / Siân Ede -- Architectural collaboration : Jacqui Poncelet at Didcot Arts Centre: -- A new arts centre for Didcot / Jacqui Poncelet -- reflecting on working with Jacqui Poncelet / Dominic Williams -- Responding to architecture : Alison Turnbull at Milton Keynes Theatre: -- From Mondkarte to milton Keynes / Alison Turnbull -- Moonlandings / Michael Stanley -- Designing Places : Thomas Heatherwick and Central Milton Keynes: -- Square Watermelons / Thomas Heatherwick and Maisie Rowe -- The Artist as Place Maker / Chris Murray -- Project details.

"Re views :artists and public space provides an extensive overview of projects where artists have engaged new thinking and practices for the build environment and public space. Addressing the subject of public art from the artist's perspective, and emphasising process as well as product, Re views explores artistic practice beyond the studio, addressing the importance of research time for artists, the relationship between artist and audience, collaboration between artists and other design professionals, and the contribution artists can make to the future of our towns and cities"--Page 4 of cover.


190477220X (paperback)
9781904772200 (paperback)


Read, Simon.
Kippin, John.
Randall-Page, Peter, 1954-
Short, Louise.
Freeman, Peter.
Ward, Sasha.
Patterson, Simon, 1967-
Poncelet, Jacqui.
Turnbull, Alison.
Heatherwick, Thomas.
Public art Great Britain.
Art public Grande-Bretagne.
Public art
Art Intégration à l'architecture Grande-Bretagne.
Great Britain


Case studies
Études de cas.

Vedettes secondaires:

Charity, Ruth.



Localisation: Bibliothèque main 243253
Cote: BIB 173035
Statut: Disponible


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