Handbook of material culture / edited by Christopher Tilley [and others].
Titre et auteur:

Handbook of material culture / edited by Christopher Tilley [and others].


London ; Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE, 2006.


xvii, 556 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
In the matter of Marxism / Bill Maurer -- Structuralism and semiotics / Robert Layton -- Phenomenology and material culture / Julian Thomas -- Objectification / Christopher Tilley -- Agency, biography and objects / Janet Hoskins -- Scenes from a troubled engagement : post-structuralism and material culture studies / Bjørnar Olsen -- Colonial matters : material culture and postcolonial theory in colonial situations / Peter van Dommelen -- Four types of visual culture / Christopher Pinney -- Food, eating, and the good life / Judith Farquhar -- Scent, sound and synaesthesia : intersensoriality and material culture theory / David Howes -- The colours of things / Diana Young -- Inside and outside : surfaces and containers / Jean-Pierre Warnier -- Cloth and clothing / Jane Schneider -- Home furnishing and domestic interiors / Robert St. George -- Vernacular architecture / Suzanne Preston Blier -- Architecture and modernism / Victor Buchli -- 'Primitivism', anthropology, and the category of 'primitive art' / Fred Myers -- Tracking globalization : commodities and value in motion / Robert J. Foster -- Place and landscape / Barbara Bender -- Cultural memory / Paul Connerton -- Technology as material culture / Ron Eglash -- Consumption / Daniel Miller -- Style, design, and function / Margaret W. Conkey -- Exchange / James G. Carrier -- Performance / Jon P. Mitchell -- Present to past : ethnoarchaeology / Paul Lane -- Material culture and long-term change / Chris Gosden -- Intellectual property and rights : an anthropological perspective / Marilyn Strathern -- Heritage and the present past / Beverley Butler -- Museums and museum displays / Anthony Alan Shelton -- Monuments and memorials / Michael Rowlands and Christopher Tilley -- Conservation as material culture / Diana Eastop -- Collectors and collecting / Russell Belk.

The 'Handbook of Material Culture' provides a critical survey of the theories, concepts, intellectual debates, substantive domains and traditions of study characterizing the analysis of things.




Material culture.
Culture matérielle.
material culture (discipline)


Reference works.
Ouvrages de référence.

Vedettes secondaires:

Tilley, Christopher Y.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279063
Cote: BIB 214910
Statut: Disponible


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