Disappearing architecture : from real to virtual to quantum / with contributions by Michael Beigl [and others] ; edited by Georg Flachbart and Peter Weibel.
Titre et auteur:

Disappearing architecture : from real to virtual to quantum / with contributions by Michael Beigl [and others] ; edited by Georg Flachbart and Peter Weibel.


Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser, ©2005.


272 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Compact Intro: -- Disappearing architecture : from real to virtual to quantum / Georg Flachbart -- Part I. The infrastructure: Information technology infrastructure for open, distributed and heterogeneous applications environments: -- 1.1. General approach: -- After the revolution : instruments of displacement / William J. Mitchell -- The architecture of the miltiverse / David Deutsch -- 1.2. Special reports : the next-generation computing: -- Autonomic computing : building self-managing computing systems / Dagan Gilat -- Grid computing : basis of multi-institutional virtual organizations / Holger Marten -- Ubiquitous computing computation embedded in the world / Michael Beigl -- The development of quantum hardware for quantum computing / Andrew Daley, Ignacio Cirac, Peter Zoller -- Part 0. The architecture: intersections of real and virtual space in an authentic architecture of the digital era: -- 0.1. General approach: -- Constructing an authentic architecture of the digital era / William J. Mitchell -- A new kind of building / Kas Oosterhuis -- 0.2. Special report: models of mixed-reality environments: -- Implosion of numbers : performative mixed reality / Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Fleischmann -- Cybernarium : a mixed-reality edutainment center / Torsten Fröhlich, Rolf Kruse -- _TVisionarium : towards a dialogic concept of digital narrative / Dennis Del Favero, Neil Brown, Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel -- Enhancing spatiality : from hardware to softform / Winka Dubbeldam -- The relationship between architecture and virtual media / Ivan Redi, Andrea Schröttner -- Architecture as a media catalyst / Stuart A. Veech -- Architecture as a habitable medium / Elizabeth Diller, Richardo Scofidio -- Impact of network ligic on space and its making / Sulan Kolatan William J. Mac Donald -- Network practice and the products of networking / Tom Verebes -- Protospace 2.0 : the ICT-driven collaborative design working space / Kas Oosterhuis -- Entering an age of fluidity / Hani Rashid -- Summing up: -- From box to intersection : architecture at the crossroad / Aaron Betsky -- Building terminal : for an architecture without objectness / Ole Bouman -- Compact extro: -- Architecture : from location to nonlocation, from presence to absence / Peter Weibel.
British Library not licensed to copy 0.

3764372753 (pbk.)
9783764372750 (pbk.)


Architecture Data processing.
Virtual reality in architecture.
Computer architecture.
Ordinateurs Architecture.
Réalité virtuelle en architecture.
Architecture Informatique.
Dreidimensionales CAD
Virtuelle Realität
Architektur Virtuelle Realität Aufsatzsammlung.
Virtuelle Realität Architektur Aufsatzsammlung.
Architektur Dreidimensionales CAD Hochleistungsrechnen Aufsatzsammlung.
Dreidimensionales CAD Architektur Hochleistungsrechnen Aufsatzsammlung.
Hochleistungsrechnen Dreidimensionales CAD Architektur Aufsatzsammlung.



Vedettes secondaires:

Beigl, Michael.
Flachbart, Georg.
Weibel, Peter.
SpringerLINK ebook collection.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 242374
Cote: BIB 172176
Statut: Disponible


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