Turnbull, Stephen R., author. aut
The art of Renaissance warfare : from the fall of Constantinople to the Thirty Years War / Stephen Turnbull.
London : Greenhill Books ; St Paul : MBI Publishing, 2006.
272 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 25 cm
Details the changes in warfare that occurred between the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War in 1618. The years between these two events were a time of transition and innovation; a time when military technology was advancing in accomplishment and military thinking was devolving in morality. The author's approach will be to examine evidence for military development within the context of an overlapping narrative history, identifying periods of accelerated change during a long term revolution in military affairs that started before 1453 and continued for centuries after 1618. Other aspects of warfare and technology were the evolution of mounted armored knights into cavalry troops, drill manuals of the early seventeenth century, the spread of gunpowder technology as well as developments in weapon accuracy, and advancements in fortifications.
9781853676765 (hbk.)
1853676764 (hbk.)
Krebs, Christoph Witwe
Military art and science Europe History 16th century.
Military art and science Europe History Medieval, 500-1500.
Art et science militaires Europe Histoire 16e siècle.
Art et science militaires Europe Histoire 500-1500 (Moyen Âge)
Military art and science.
Military art and science Medieval.
Europe History, Military.
Europe History 1492-1648.
Europe History 476-1492.
Europe Histoire militaire.
Europe Histoire 1492-1648.
Europe Histoire 476-1492.
Military history.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 250927
Cote: BIB 180423
Statut: Disponible
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