Sacred gardens and landscapes : ritual and agency / edited by Michel Conan.
Entrée principale:

Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture (26th : 2002)

Titre et auteur:

Sacred gardens and landscapes : ritual and agency / edited by Michel Conan.


Washington, D.C. : Published by Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection ; [Cambridge] : Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2007.


314 pages : illustrations, maps ; 27 cm

"Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture, XXVI, held at Dumbarton Oaks May 10-12, 2002"--Preliminary page.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: The cultural agency of gardens and landscapes / Michel Conan -- Gardens as anterooms to the netherworld. The place of the Sacred Grove (Alsos) in the Mantic rituals of Greece : the example of the Alsos of Trophonios at Lebadeia (Boeotia) / Pierre Bonnechere ; Gardens of love and meadows of the beyond : ritual encounters with the gods and poetical performances in Ancient Greece / Claude Calame ; Religious and lay rituals in Japanese gardens during the Hein Period (784-1185) / Michel Vieillard-Baron ; The dance of time, the procession of space at Mexico-Tenochtitlan's desert garden / Maria Elena Bernal-Garcia -- A voyage through mythical lands. Mythic and sacred gardens in medieval Japan : sacral mediation in the Rokuonji and Saihoji gardens / P. Richard Stanley-Baker ; Braj : the creation of Krishna's landscape of power and pleasure and its sixteenth-century construction through the pilgrimage of the groves / Behula Shah ; Sacred texts and ritual spaces in the RamLila of Rmnager / Sarah Bonnemaison -- The problems of locality. Ancestral rituals of landscape exploration and appropriation among Indigenous communities in Early Colonial Mexico / Angel Julian Garcia-Zambrano ; Africans discover America : the ritualization of gardens, landscapes, and seascapes by Suriname maroons / Richard Price ; Horse racing, hunting, and praying in the "shady walks and sacred woods" of Cetanale / Giorgio Galletii ; Devotional landscape : ecology and orthodoxy in the work of Marietta Pallis / David Matless and Laura Cameron.

0884023052 (pbk.)
9780884023050 (pbk.)


Gardens Religious aspects Congresses.
Landscapes Religious aspects Congresses.
Rites and ceremonies Congresses.
Jardins Aspect religieux Congrès.
Paysages Aspect religieux Congrès.
Rites et cérémonies Congrès.
11.09 systematic religious studies: other.
Gardens Religious aspects
Landscapes Religious aspects
Rites and ceremonies
Heilige plaatsen.
Religieuze aspecten.
Trädgårdar religiösa aspekter konferenser.
Landskap religiösa aspekter konferenser.


proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.

Vedettes secondaires:

Conan, Michel.
Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture ; 26.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 252159
Cote: BL629.5.G37 D86 2002
Statut: Disponible


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