Moore, Kathryn (Kathryn J.)
Overlooking the visual : demystifying the art of design / Kathryn Moore.
New York, NY : Routledge, 2010.
xiii, 254 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 cm
"Making tangible connections between theory and practice, ideas and form, this book encourages debate about the artistic, conceptual, and cultural significance of the way things look. What are the metaphysical concepts at the heart of design education, theory, and philosophy? Why do we assume that design is impossible to teach? This book challenges the traditional foundations of perception and takes an imaginative, radical approach, setting itself apart from the traditions of analytical philosophy, evolutionary psychology, and phenomenology which underpin much of current design theory and discourse. The new definition of perception produces startling consequences for conceptions of language, intelligence, meaning, the senses, emotions and subjectivity. This is an innovative, fresh view on design and how we can improve it for both practitioners and students in the architecture and design fields as well as philosophers."--Publisher description.
9780415308694 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
0415308690 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
9780415308700 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0415308704 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780203167656 (ebk)
0203167651 (ebk)
Design Philosophy.
Design Philosophie.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282579
Cote: BIB 220230
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible
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