Echoes of forgotten places / Scribble Media present ; written & produced by Robert Fantinatto & Leesa Beales ; directed & edited by Robert Fantinatto.
[Toronto, Ontario] : Scribble Media, ©2005.
1 videodisc (42 min., 20 sec.) : sound, color with black and white sequences ; 4 3/4 in.
Explores abandoned industrial buildings and structures. Includes decaying factories, decommissioned power stations, storm drains, and other places of interest to urban explorers and industrial archaeologists.
Industrial buildings History.
Industries History.
Industrial buildings Canada.
Constructions industrielles Histoire.
Industrie Histoire.
Constructions industrielles Canada.
industrial history.
Industrial buildings
Documentary videos.
Documentaries and Factual Films
Motion pictures (visual works)
Documentaries (motion picture genre)
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Optical disks.
documentary film.
Documentary films
Fantinatto, Robert.
Guthrie, Robert.
Beales, Leesa.
Scribble Media (Firm)
Steel, a symphony of industry.
Subtitle on container: Urban exploration, industrial archaeology and the aesthetics of decay
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av 239255
Cote: T37 .E24 2005
Statut: Disponible
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