Walter Burley Griffin and the Stinson Memorial Library : modernism comes to Main Street / by Paul Kruty ; with a contribution by Paul E. Sprague.
Entrée principale:

Kruty, Paul, author.

Titre et auteur:

Walter Burley Griffin and the Stinson Memorial Library : modernism comes to Main Street / by Paul Kruty ; with a contribution by Paul E. Sprague.


St. Louis, Mo. : Walter Burley Griffin Society of America, 2010.


ix, 58 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 22 x 27 cm

Published by the Walter Burley Griffin Society of America in conjunction with its annual meeting held in Anna, Illinois on 22 May 2010.--T.p verso.
ISBN on back cover, 0-9793588-0-9 is incorrect; correct ISBN is on title page verso.
Includes bibliographical references.
Building a library for Anna: A word about Anna, Illinois ; The donor ; Anna connections ; The architect ; Griffin's office in 1912 ; Design chronology ; Exhibition and publication ; Building chronology, I ; Paul F.P. Mueller ; Building chronology, II ; Chicago, Urbana, Australia ; Building chronology, III ; Griffin's return ; Epilog -- Portfolio of historic photographs -- Creating a public architecture: The Stinson Memorial Library ; Griffin's design method and vocabulary ; Griffin's public buildings ; The American library ; Synthesizing influences ; Griffin's landscape design for Anna / by Paul E. Sprague: Griffin as a landscape architect ; The landscape plan for the Stinson Memorial Library.

"[T]he book is the first monograph on Griffin's major public building in the United States. Historian of the Prairie School H. Allen Brooks called the Stinson Library "a brilliant design and a fitting climax to Griffin's American career," while Sullivan/Wright scholar Paul Sprague pronounced it "one of America's greatest architectural treasures." Yet there has never been a detailed examination of this extraordinary monument. Drawing on the priceless collection of letters and documents surviving at the library, Prof. Kruty recounts the story of the commission, design, construction and reception of the building. He then sets it in the contexts of Griffin's career, the public library in America, and the architect's intention to create a Modern representational public architecture. Along the way, Kruty provides new details about Griffin's office staff in 1912-14, the contributions of Marion Mahony Griffin to the design, and the role of the general contractor, Paul F. P. Mueller--the person responsible for the actual construction of more of the great buildings produced by Sullivan and the Prairie School than any other individual, including, in addition to the Stinson Memorial Library, Adler & Sullivan's Schiller Building and such works by Frank Lloyd Wright as the Larkin Building, Unity Temple, and Midway Gardens."--Publisher description.


0979358817 (paperback)
9780979358814 (paperback)
(back cover)


Griffin, Walter Burley, 1876-1937.
Griffin, Marion Mahony, 1871-1961.
Griffin, Walter Burley, 1876-1937 Individual works Anna (Ill.). Stinson Memorial Library.
Stinson Memorial Library Congresses.
Library buildings Illinois Anna Congresses.
Prairie school (Architecture) Illinois Anna Congresses.
Library buildings
Prairie school (Architecture)
Anna (Ill.) Buildings, structures, etc. Congresses.
Illinois Anna


Conference papers and proceedings

Vedettes secondaires:

Griffin, Marion Mahony, 1871-1961, architect.
Sprague, Paul E., contributor.
Walter Burley Griffin Society of America, organizer.
Walter Burley Griffin Society of America. Annual Meeting (2010 : Anna, Ill.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 269253
Cote: BIB 201389
Statut: Disponible


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