Sauer, Christiane.
Made of -- : new materials sourcebook for architecture and design / Christiane Sauer.
Berlin : Gestalten, 2010.
240 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm
Without high-tech building materials the modern structures of today's architecture would be inconceivable and unbuildable. Made of ... presents a wide range of the innovative building materials that are currently being developed, as well as their applications for today's architecture. Made of ... introduces architects to new approaches to sophisticated building concepts that are made possible by the use of high-tech building materials. In each chapter for example Reinforced, Glass Fibers, Carbon Fibers, Natural Fibers, Sandwiches, Honeycombs, and Foams the qualities of a new material are explained and evaluated. Their applications are not only explained in insightful texts, but also clarified in images of current architectural projects that use them. Today, the demands on a building in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, and security are constantly rising. A structure also has to address the social aspects of those who use it and be immune to the pollutants that attack its surface. At the same time, the demands on building materials are also rising, as are those on the architects who use them. Made of ... gives architects both inspiration and practical advice as to how they can work with innovative building materials today in a way that is also viable for the future. -- Book Description from Website.
9783899552898 (hardcover)
389955289X (hardcover)
Building materials.
Construction Matériaux.
building materials.
Architecture and Planning.
Construction Innovations.
Matériaux Recyclage.
Design architectural.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291099
Cote: BIB 234432
Statut: Disponible
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