Lewis, Michael J., 1957- author.
American art and architecture / Michael J. Lewis.
First edition.
London : Thames & Hudson, [2006]
336 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 21 cm
World of art
"A wide-ranging and inclusive history of American art and architecture from its seventeenth-century colonial beginnings to the latest installation and video work, this book: discusses the key artists, architects, art works, and buildings across the centuries; defines the characteristics of different periods and highlights the forms, techniques, and styles that are distinctively American; integrates discussions of works of visual art and buildings, revealing their shared social and aesthetic concerns; charts the ways in which American artists and architects both adopted and diverged from earlier European models to create their own language; and illustrates paintings, sculpture, photography, and new-media art plus dozens of building types, from colonial houses and churches to modernist and postmodernist museums, stations, and skyscrapers."--Jacket.
9780500203910 (pbk.)
0500203911 (pbk.)
Art, American.
Architecture, American.
Art américain.
Architecture américaine.
World of art.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 245490
Cote: BIB 175121
Statut: Disponible
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