Immaterial world : transparency in architecture / Marc Kristal.
Entrée principale:

Kristal, Marc.

Titre et auteur:

Immaterial world : transparency in architecture / Marc Kristal.


1st ed.


New York : Monacelli Press, ©2011.


214 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm

Siamese towers, Santiago, Chile, Alejandro Aragena -- Salt point house, Salt Point, New York, Thomas Phifer and partners -- Svalbard Science Center, Longyearbyen, Spitzberge, Svalbard, Norway, Jarmund/Vigsnaes architects MNAL -- Palms house, Venice, California, Daily Genik architects -- Alice Tully Hall, New York, New York, Diller Scofidio + Renfron with FXFOWLE -- Koby Cottage, Albion, Michigan, Garrison architects -- Lauder School of government, diplomacy and strategy and Arison School of Business, Israel, Ada Karmi-Melamede architects -- Dow Jones, New York, New York, STUDIOS architecture -- California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, Renzo Piano Building workshop -- Great (bamboo) wall, Beijing, China, Kengo Kuma & Associates -- Renaissance Paris Arc de Triomphe Hotel, Paris, France, Atelier Christian de Portzamparc -- Aqua Tower, Chicago, Illinois, Studio Gang architects -- 23 Beekman Place, New York, New York, Della Valle Bernheimer -- Tietgenkollegiet, Copenhagen, Denmark, Lundgaard & Tranberg architects -- Xsmall House, North Cambridge, Massachusetts, UNI -- Tod's Omotesando, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Toyo Ito & Associates architects -- Greenwich Townhouse, New York, New York, Matthew Baird architects -- Fiera Milano, Milan, Italy, Massimiliano Fuksas architetto -- Hotel Aire de Bardenas, Tudela, Navarre, Spain, Emiliano López Mónica Rivera architects -- Formosa 1140, West Hollywood, California, Lorcan O'Herlihy architects -- Yas Hotel, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Asymptote architecture -- Airspace Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Studio M, Faulders Studio -- 41 Cooper Square, New York, New York, Morphosis architects -- Solar umbrella, Venice, California, Pugh + Scarpa architects -- Glass pavilion at the Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio, Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA.

"Today the excitement in architecture derives from the tension between the need for privacy and the impulse toward community. This unique survey of buildings and interiors captures the multilayered experience that is engaged whenever we look out of--or into--a work of architecture. Immaterial World examines the built environment as a reflection of the terrors and pleasures of exposure, information overload, and abundance of every sort. Twenty-five projects from around the world by such well-known architects as Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Morphosis, Christian de Portzamparc, Renzo Piano, and many others, are presented. These works range from complete transparency to bunkerlike opacity, depending upon who's doing the looking and who or what is being seen"--Publisher description.

Table of contents

9781580933148 (hardcover)
1580933149 (hardcover)


Architecture, Modern 21st century Themes, motives.
Transparency in architecture.
Architecture 21e siècle Thèmes, motifs.
Transparence en architecture.
Architecture, Modern Themes, motives. 21st century.
Architecture, Modern Themes, motives
Transparentes Material
Arkitektur 2000-talet.

Vedettes secondaires:

Transparency in architecture


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 272203
Cote: BIB 205456
Statut: Disponible


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