Charrette interuniversitaire (3rd : 1997 : Montréal, Québec)
Charrette de design urbain et exposition = Urban design charette and exhibition.
1 audiocassette (approximately 40 min.)
Recording of the opening of the Charrette de design urbain et exposition / Urban design charette and exhibition held Oct. 30, 1997 at the Centre canadien d'architecture. The theme for the 1997 charrette, held Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 1997, was "La ville affichée: du boulevard au territoire"/"Signs of life: outdoor advertising in the urban landscape", organized in collaboration with the Université de Montréal, UQAM's Centre de design, and the schools of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, graphic design, and communications of five universities: Montréal, McGill, UQAM, Concordia, Laval, and Carleton. Nancy Dunton presented the project to the participating teams, followed by presentations by Georges Adamczyk and Michel Marcoux. Nancy Dunton answered questions and delivered closing remarks
Advertising Québec (Province)
Advertising, Outdoor Québec (Province)
City planning Competitions Canada.
Charrettes Québec (Province) Montréal.
Publicité extérieure Québec (Province)
Charrettes (Planification) Québec (Province) Montréal.
Advertising, Outdoor
City planning Competitions
Québec Montréal
Charettes Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1990-2000.
Public spaces Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1990-2000.
Urban design Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1990-2000.
Reformatted audiovisual materials.
Sound recordings.
Compact discs.
Dunton, Nancy H.
Adamczyk, Georges.
Marcoux, Michel.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Urban design charette and exhibition
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 268175
Cote: Box 31 (BIB 200046)
Notes: audiocassette
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main av cca productions 272063
Cote: Box 31 (BIB 200046)
Notes: CD consultation copy
Statut: Disponible
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