Yearbook of the Chicago Architectural Exhibition League and catalogue of the ... annual exhibition.
Titre et auteur:

Yearbook of the Chicago Architectural Exhibition League and catalogue of the ... annual exhibition.


Chicago : [publisher not identified], 1894-1928.


volumes : illustrations ; 20-31 cm

7th (1894)-41st (1928).
Titles vary slightly.
All exhibitions held at the Art Institute of Chicago.
No catalogs published for 1st-6th exhibitions.
Title history: Catalogue of the 7th annual exhibition, 1894; Catalogue of the <8th-20th> annual exhibition by the Chicago Architectural Club, 1895-1907; Book of the <21st/22nd-27th> annual exhibition, 1908/09-1914; <28th-34th> Annual Chicago architectural exhibition, 1915-1921; Catalogue 35th annual Chicago architectural exhibition, 1922; Yearbook of the Chicago Architectural Exhibition League and catalogue of the 36th-41st exhibition, 1923-1928.
7th exhibition (1894) sponsored by the Chicago Architectural Sketch Club; 8th-27th exhibitions (1895)-(1914) sponsored by the Chicago Architectural Club; exhibitions for 28th (1915)-36th (1923) jointly sponsored by the Chicago Architectural Club, the Illinois Society of Architects and the Illinois Chapter of the American Institute of Architects; 37th (1924)-41st (1928) exhibitions sponsored by the Chicago Architectural Exhibition League.

41st (1928) includes the work of: D.H. Burnham & Co., Inc.; Childs & Smith; Coolidge & Hodgson; George G. Elmslie; Loebl, Schlossman & Demuth; Graham, Anderson, Probst & White; Holabird & Root; Charles Wheeler Nicol; Voorhees, Gmelin & Walker; Paul Cret; Connor & O'Connor; George B. Goodhue Associates; Granger & Bollenbacher; Eugene H. Klaber; John Russell Pope; James Gamble Rogers; Tallmadge & Watson; John N. Tilton and Marshall & Fox; Zantzinger, Borie & Medary; Mayers, Murray & Phillip; K.C. Anderson; C. Dale Badgeley; A. Clements Finley; Walker Hancock; Bertram G. Goodhue Associates; J. Edwin Petersen; T. Gerald Kronick; G.S. Keith; Chas. L. Morgan; Northwestern Terra Cotta; R.F. Voell.


Architecture United States Exhibitions Periodicals.
Architecture Illinois Chicago Periodicals.
Architecture États-Unis Expositions Périodiques.
Architecture Illinois Chicago Périodiques.
Illinois Chicago
United States


Exhibition catalogs

Vedettes secondaires:

Chicago Architectural Sketch Club.
Chicago Architectural Exhibition League.
Chicago Architectural Club.
Illinois Society of Architects.
American Institute of Architects. Illinois Chapter.
Art Institute of Chicago.

Catalogue ... annual Chicago architectural exhibition 35th (1922)
Annual Chicago architectural exhibition 28th (1915)-34th (1921)
Book of the ... annual exhibition 21st (1908)-27th (1914)
Catalogue of the ... annual exhibition by the Chicago Architectural Club 8th (1895)-20th (1907)
Catalogue ... annual exhibition 7th (1894)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main periodicals
Cote: W.C54
Statut: Disponible

Localisation: Bibliothèque main 102529
Cote: W.C54
Statut: Disponible


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