Morpho-ecologies / edited by Michael Hensel and Achim Menges.
Titre et auteur:

Morpho-ecologies / edited by Michael Hensel and Achim Menges.


London : Architectural Association, 2006.


376 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.


AA agendas ; no. 4

Includes bibliographical references and index.
pt. 1. Morpho-ecologies -- towards an inclusive discourse on heterogeneous architecture / Michael Hensel and Achim Menges -- pt. 2. Material systems -- proto-architectures -- Introduction / Michael Hensel and Achim Menges -- 1. Spread bundle assembly / Judson Moore and Michael Robinson -- Comment / Wolf Mangelsdorf -- 2. Elastic rod assembly / Shireen Han -- Comment / Wolf Mangelsdorf -- 3. Complex brick assemblies / Defne Sunguroglu -- Comment / Wolf Mangelsdorf -- 4. Performative morphologies -- vertical helix / Neri Oxman -- 5. Discontinuous strut lattices / Jeremy Richey and Nathan Smith -- Comment / Christopher Hight -- 6. Fibrous organisations / Cordula Stach -- Comment / Ludo Grooteman -- 7. Integral envelope -- stick morphology / Nazaneen Roxanne Shafaie -- Comment / Simon Beames -- 8. Photolepidote / Alexia Petridis -- Comment / Sean Lally -- 9. Strip morphologies and healing environments / Daniel Coll I. Capdevila -- Comment / Wolf Mangelsdorf -- 10. Continuous laminae / Aleksandra Jaeschke -- Comment / Eva Scheffler -- 11. Meta-patch / Joseph Kellner and Dave Newton -- Comments / Julian Vincent and Michael Weinstock -- 12. Transitional morphologies / Dae Song Lee -- 13. Pleated composites / Edouard Cabay -- 14. Membrane organisation / Pavlos Sideris -- 15. Adaptive pneumatic shelters / Hani Fallaha -- Comment / Wolf Mangelsdorf -- 16. Integral pneumatic assembly / Mustasha Musa -- 17. Porous mats / Gabriel Sanchiz Garin -- 18. Aggregates 01 / Eiichi Matsuda -- Comment / Theo Lorenz -- 19. Aggregates 02 / Anne Hawkins and Catie Newell -- Comment / Christopher Hight -- 20. Aggregates 03 / Gen Takahashi -- pt. 3. Differentiation in nature and design -- six essays -- Introduction / Michael Hensel and Achim Menges -- Differentiation, hierarchy and energy in natural systems / Michael Weinstock -- Imperfection as a design parameter / Julian Vincent -- Adaptable equilibrium / Wolf Mangelsdorf -- Beyond the algorithm -- seeking differentiated structures through alternatives to computational design processes / Mark Burry -- Architecture of the many / Peter Trummer -- Moire affects -- epistemologies of measure, order and differentiation in modern architecture / Christopher Hight.

This volume introduces a design approach developed by Michael Hensel and Achim Menges. Based on a synthesis of the processes underlying morphogenesis and ecological dynamics, this approach challenges the predominance of the programme as the starting point for architectural organisation and design.


9781902902531 (pbk.)
190290253X (pbk.)


Architectural design.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Modular coordination (Architecture)
Organic architecture.
Space (Architecture)
Design architectural.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Coordination modulaire (Architecture)
Architecture organique.
Espace (Architecture)
modular coordination.
organic architecture.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hensel, Michael.
Menges, Achim.
Architectural Association (Great Britain)
AA agendas ; no. 4.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 253521
Cote: BIB 183323
Statut: Disponible


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