Raskin, David, 1968-
Donald Judd / David Raskin.
New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, ©2010.
196 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm
Raskin traces Judd's principles from his beginnings as an art critic through his installations and designs in Mara, Texas. He discusses Judd's important paintings and idiosyncratic red pieces, as well as the three-dimensional works that are celebrated worldwide. He also examines Judd's commitment to empirical values and his political activism, and concludes with by considering the importance of Judd's example for recent art. We are shown an artist with spare designs, who found spiritual values in plywood, Plexiglass, and industrial production, who did not distinguish between thinking and feeling, asserting that science marked the limits of knowledge, who argued his art provided intutions of morality and who worked for political causes that were neither left nor right.--Publisher.
9780300162769 (cl ; alk. paper)
0300162766 (cl ; alk. paper)
Judd, Donald, 1928-1994 Criticism and interpretation.
Judd, Donald, 1928-1994.
Judd, Donald 1919-
Judd, Donald, 1928-1994 analys och tolkning.
21.50 sculpture: general.
United States.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Judd, Donald, 1928-1994.
Art, principles, and activism
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 270460
Cote: BIB 203219
Statut: Disponible
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