Gerrit Thomas Rietveld : an outline of his life, thought and work / Bertus Mulder ; [translation: Pieter Kiewiet de Jonge].
Entrée principale:

Mulder, Bertus.

Titre et auteur:

Gerrit Thomas Rietveld : an outline of his life, thought and work / Bertus Mulder ; [translation: Pieter Kiewiet de Jonge].


Amsterdam, The Netherlands : SUN : Available through Idea Books, ©2010.


157 pages : illustrations, portraits, plans, facsimiles ; 22 cm.


SUN architecture

Includes bibliographical references (page 157).
Life -- From furniture maker's apprentice to architect -- Marriage and family -- The beloved muse -- My personal experiences with Rietveld and his work -- Thought -- The attitude to life -- Work -- The work -- The furniture -- The Rietveld Schroder house -- Council housing -- The houses -- The country houses -- Other works.
In English, translated from Dutch.

"At the end of the 1950s the young architect Bertus Mulder came to work for Gerrit Rietveld. This working relationship, which lasted for a number of years, developed into a close relationship that allowed Mulder to get to know Rietveld and his immediate surroundings: his children, his Muse and beloved Truus Schröder and her children, Rietveld's furniture maker Van de Groenekan and many others. Later Bertus Mulder himself became a well-known architect and a leading expert in the field of restoring works of Gerrit Rietveld, among which the famous Rietveld Schröder House in Utrecht. During the restoration of the Rietveld Schröder House he had numerous, in-depth conversations with Mrs Schröder and conducted a searching study of the vast collection of Rietveld's writings she had collected. As a result no one could be more qualified to outline the interconnections of Rietveld's life, thought and work than Bertus Mulder. Furthermore, this architect's biography sheds an uncommonly clear light on the anthropological and philosophical backgrounds of the architectural body of work, which Rietveld called the 'attitude to life'."--Page 4 of cover.




Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas, 1888-1964 Criticism and interpretation.
Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas, 1888-1964.
Architects Netherlands Biography.
Architectes Pays-Bas Biographies.
Arkitekter Nederländerna 1900-talet.


Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Kiewiet de Jonge, Pieter.

Sutitle on cover: Life thought work


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 270268
Cote: NA44.R563.9 M8 2010
Statut: Disponible


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