How to keep union records / edited by Michael Nash.
Chicago : Society of American Archivists, ©2010.
ix, 228 pages ; 23 cm
How to keep union records illustrates how basic archival theory and best practice methodologies can be applied to the challenges presented by labor collections. This volume highlights recent transformations in the labor archives world, such as changes in recordkeeping practices, the impact of union mergers and the consolidation movement on archival collections, the growing importance of media collections, and electronic records as well as union websites. Also included in the volume are an extensive bibliography and a directory of labor archives in the United States.
1931666350 (alk. paper)
9781931666350 (alk. paper)
Labor unions United States Records and correspondence Management.
Labor unions United States Archives.
Syndicats États-Unis Documents et correspondance Gestion.
Syndicats États-Unis Archives.
Labor unions
United States
Nash, Michael, 1946-
Bernhardt, Debra E. How to keep union records.
Society of American Archivists.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 268909
Cote: HD6508 .H69 2010
Statut: Disponible
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