Duberman, Martin B.
Black Mountain : an exploration in community / by Martin Duberman.
London : Wildwood House, 1974.
527 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
In 1933, John Rice founded Black Mountain College in North Carolina as an experiment in making the arts central to learning. Though it operated for only twenty-four years, this pioneering school played a significant role in fostering avant-garde art, music, dance, and poetry, and an astonishing number of important artists taught or studied there. Among the instructors were Josef and Anni Albers, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, R. Buckminster Fuller, Karen Karnes, and M.C. Richards, and students included Ruth Asawa, John Chamberlain, and Robert Rauschenberg.
Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.) History.
Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 94167
Cote: ID:85-B14041
Statut: Disponible
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